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Showing posts from March, 2011

Samsung Omnia II Android

Sekarang ini sedang ada proyek membuat Samsung Omnia II menjadi Android. Caranya? ikuti tutorial dari Forum XDA Developer . Bagi yang mau dan berani mencoba, silakan. Samsung Omnia II GT-I8000(H/L/U)  is a  multimedia   smartphone  announced at Samsung Unpacked on June 15, 2009. [ 1 ] . Earlier Omnia II releases runs  Windows Mobile 6.1 , however it's upgradable to  version 6.5 . Verizon is the official US carrier for this phone and released it in December 2009. This handset comes with a 3.7"  AMOLED  resistive screen having a resolution of 800 × 480 pixels and 16 million colors. It is used in conjunction with a  stylus pen . The  Windows Mobile  operating system limits it, in software, to 65536 colors. However the fact remains that it produces unparalleled colour contrast and in addition, to date, it, along with Samsung Omnia Pro B7610, is still the only Windows phone to ulitise this technology. On the connectivity side, the device offers  Wi-Fi , stereo  Bluetoot

Catch! Catch! What?! What Happen?

Mozambique Warning

Province of Imhambane Ministry of Fish and Wildlife MOZAMBIQUE WARNING Due to the rising frequency of human-lion encounters, the Ministry of Fish and Wildlife, Imhambane, Mozambique is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and any motorcyclists that use the out-of-doors in a recreational or work-related function to take extra precautions while in the bush. We advise outdoorsmen to wear noisy bells on clothing so as to give advanced warning to lions that may be closed by so you don’t take them by surprise. We also advise anyone using the out-of-doors to carry “Pepper Spray” with him or her in case of an encounter with a lion. Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for fresh lion activity, and be able to tell the difference between lion cub shit and big lion shit. Lion cub shit is smaller and contains lots of berries and dassie fur. Big lion shit has bells in it, and smells like pepper. Enjoy your stay in MOZAMBIQUE

Revenge !!

Waktu Obama di Indonesia

Excuse me... (NSWF)

Coca Cola ads

Basic Lesson for DSLR Owner !

Miss World?

Ada Indonesia tuh.. klik aja trus coba cari :)

Oh My G...

Google Instant !

Akhirnya Google Instant sampe juga di Indonesia, walau ternyata gak se-instant itu di sini. Google Instant adalah produk Google yang diperkenalkan 9 September 2010 kemarin. Baru Maret 2011 ini akhirnya sampai di Indonesia. Seperti apa Google Instant itu? Singkatnya, Google Instant mempercepat pencarian data di Internet. Hanya dengan mengetik beberapa huruf, Google otomatis mencari dan memberikan hasil tanpa perlu kita tekan ENTER atau SEARCH. Untuk lebih jelas-nya bisa lihat di Youtube Google Instant yang berikut ini. Sayangnya tadi saya coba, Google Instant di Indonesia blum si-instant seperti contoh tadi. Tapi sudah lumayan cepat kok, mempermudah kita mencari sebuah info, memperbaiki kata kunci yang kita gunakan untuk mencari supaya lebih tepat.


Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits setahu saya tidak ada padanan katanya di Indonesia, karena di sini perempuan diharuskan lebih jaim. Walau demikian bukan berarti gak ada hal-hal yang seperti ini, malah mungkin lebih parah.

This is a WARNING !

Wait.. What The...?! (NSWF)

Tiba-tiba kaki terasa panas

Belakangan ini kaki aku bisa tiba-tiba terasa panas, entah kenapa. Pernah gak Anda mengepit sesuatu di tangan Anda, sampai telapak tangan seperti mati rasa? trus waktu Anda melepas benda itu, tangan terasa panas karena darah kembali mengalir? Nah, kaki aku terasa seperti itu, tiba2 panas di telapak kaki bagian belakang (heel). Tapi cuma sebentar banget.. dan kayaknya kalau dipegang sih sebenernya gak panas, cuma terasa aja. Aneh ya? dan ini cuma terasa di kaki kiri saja. Setelah aku google, aku mendapatkan beberapa info yang kurang menyenangkan. Beberapa hipotesa menyatakan bahwa Bisa disebabkan oleh penyumbatan darah. Mungkin disebabkan oleh gigitan serangga atau pembengkakan di kaki. Bisa disebabkan oleh kerusakan syaraf karena diabetes, diabetes menyebabkan syaraf salah menterjemahkan rangsangan dan menyebabkan rasa panas di kaki. Cara terbaik adalah dengan mengobati diabetes-nya. Apabila dibiarkan, keadaan ini bisa membuat syaraf menjadi semakin kacau dan menimbulkan rasa saki

What a Wonderful World

Klik fotonya.. kereennn... begitu liat ini langsung kepikirannya lagu What A Wonderful World Songwriters: Thiele, Robert;Weiss, George David

Why I'm Happy I Became a Prostitute

By Charlotte Shane, The Good Men Project Posted on November 22, 2010, Printed on November 23, 2010 This story first appeared on the Good Men Project. I was in my early 20s, teaching undergrads in the morning, taking graduate classes in the afternoon, and selling nighttime webcam sex shows on a site that regularly featured professional porn stars like Jenna Jameson. The man watching me that night bought 90 minutes, which would have cost him nearly $600. I’d landed a big fish, and I didn’t want to lose it. But when he told me his request, I froze.... ...Once he wrote, “It’s funny, you used to be this sexual icon that I would never have. Now it’s just like you’re an old friend I haven’t talked to in a long time and all I wanna do is catch up.” Baca deh.. bagus ceritanya... di :) kadang mikir... kenapa ya kok bisa :)

How Harry Potter should have ended

BJ on the road !

Lempar Anak Cewek !

History in Facebook Status

Ready ! Set ! GOOOO!!

Kacaunya Impor Film Hollywood

Ribut-ribut soal film Hollywood sejak 18 Februari 2011 kemarin, sampai sekarang masih belum jelas hasil akhirnya. 28 Februari kemarin, TEMPO Online membahas fakta-fakta seputar kisruh ini. Sengkarut Royalti Film Hollywood TUJUH pria kulit putih memasuki gedung utama kantor pusat Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, Jumat dua pekan lalu. Tiga di antaranya wakil dari asosiasi industri film Amerika Serikat (Motion Picture Association of America/MPA). Lainnya produsen film Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, dan Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. Negara lain yang juga mengimpor film dari Hollywood, katanya, tak pernah menerapkan bea atas royalti. Tamu-tamu itu rupanya hendak bertemu dengan Direktur Teknis Kepabeanan Heri Kristiono. Heri mengundang para juragan film itu membahas rencana tambahan pungutan bea masuk dan pajak bagi film impor. Dalam pertemuan di gedung Kementerian Keuangan seha

Fake Hit

The Blackfoot

The Blackfoot continue many cultural traditions of the past and hope to extend their ancestors' traditions to their children. They want to teach their children the Pikuni language as well as other traditional knowledge. In the early 20th century, a white woman named Frances Densmore helped the Blackfoot record chief Mountain Chief for the Bureau of American Ethnology for their language. During the 1950s and 1960s, few Blackfoot spoke the Pikuni language. In order to save their language, the Blackfoot Council asked elders who still knew the language to teach it. The elders had agreed and succeeded in reviving the language, so today the children can learn Pikuni at school or at home. In 1994, the Blackfoot Council accepted Pikuni as the official language. ( Wiki )

BUMP! Eugh !

Dog, I am missing you

Klik gambarnya spy lebih jelas Origin : Cheer Up, Emo Kid - Dog and an epilogue (NSFW)

Crazy Jump !

Kirab Budaya Bandung 2011 dari berbagai sumber

Inilah foto-foto Kirab Budaya yang dilaksanakan Sabtu 19 Februari 2011 sekaligus merayakan Cap Go Meh. Klik foto itu untuk melihat foto-foto atau berita yang terkait. Pikiran Rakyat (Klik di sini!)