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Showing posts from May, 2009

Nudeln mit Garnelen

Nudeln = mie mit = dengan Garnelen = udang Bahan: 80gr mentega 4 sdm mentega (pisahin) 300 gr udang seger, cuci bersih 350gr daun bayem, cuci bersih 1 pcs bawang bombay besar, potong dadu 100ml wine putih (dry) 1 sdt kaldu sayur 350gr spageti bentuk pipih & lebar garem merica putih 1 pcs jeruk nipis, potong 4 Cara: 1. 80 gr taro di kulkas. Saus: Cairkan 2 sdm mentega, oseng setengah jumlah bawang bombay yg udah dipotong dadu. Masukkan 350ml air biasa, tambahin kaldu sayur, sama wine, trus aduk-aduk sambil dimasak sekitar 5mnt. 2. Rebus spagetti di air garem. saus 2: 2 sdm mentega dicairkan di wajan. masukkin udang, 2 menit dimasak bolak balik. Tambahin garem, merica sesuai selera. Sisa bawang bombay dimasukkin. Bayem masukkin trus oseng pake api kecil. 3. Masukkin 80gr mentega yg ditaro dikulkas ke adonan saos. sekitar 5 mnt dimasak sambil diaduk2. Setelah spagetti empuk, dikeringkan. Campur semua adonan saos 1 dan 2. kasih air jeruk dari 1 potong jeruk nipis. aduk2. 4. Campur spag

How to Teach a Child to Argue

Why would any sane parent teach his kids to talk back? Because, this father found, it actually increased family harmony. By Jay Heinrichs (First published in Disney’s Wondertime Magazine.  The article was nominated for a 2007 National Magazine Award.) Those of you who don’t have perfect children will find this familiar: Just as I was withdrawing money in a bank lobby, my 5-year-old daughter chose to throw a temper tantrum, screaming and writhing on the floor while a couple of elderly ladies looked on in disgust. (Their children, apparently, had been perfect.) I gave Dorothy a disappointed look and said, “That argument won’t work, sweetheart. It isn’t pathetic enough.” She blinked a couple of times and picked herself up off the floor, pouting but quiet. “What did you say to her?” one of the women asked.

Motivational Posters

These are very good life advices. If you stick to them, I’m sure your life will definitely get better.

Lingam Massage (Cewek harus baca)

T he Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ is Lingam and is loosely translated as "Wand of Light." In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, the Lingam is respectfully viewed and honored, as a "Wand of Light" that channels creative energy and pleasure. Orgasm is not the goal of the Lingam massage although it can be a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is to massage the Lingam , also including testicles, perineum and Sacred Spot (prostate) externally, allowing the man to surrender to a form of pleasure he may not be accustomed to. From this perspective both receiver and giver relax into the massage. Men need to learn to relax and receive. Traditional sexual conditioning has the man in a doing and goal oriented mode. The Lingam Massage allows the man to experience his softer, more receptive side and experience pleasure from a non-traditional perspective. B eginning the Massage

Cara Menjadi Terkenal

So near, yet so far: How British girl is brought together with boyfriend 4,000 miles away in amazing Flickr photo art album

By Daily Mail Reporter There are 4,000 miles between them. But when the yearning gets too much, Rosie Hardy can still feel a mere heartbeat away from her boyfriend. The British student and American photography expert have created a series of touching portraits in which they defy the distance to appear very much together. Rosie, 18, of Buxton, Derbyshire, and boyfriend Aaron Nace, 25, of North Carolina, met through photo sharing website Flickr. They dated online for three months before finally meeting in the flesh. To cement their relationship, they decided to fuse themselves together in a series of pictures, helped by a little computer wizardry. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Long-distance love: Rosie Hardy and Aaron Nace are actually living on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Aaron used technical wizardry to show them in an embrace"] [/caption] Read More >>>

Enya - And Winter Came

Enya - 2008 - And Winter Came

Hotel Hubris : THE most expensive hotel in Europe

By Ashley Pearson It takes half an hour to cross the pool (by gondola, naturally). The spa has a room full of real snow. The bathrooms have gold-plated mirrors on the FLOOR. As Sharon, Paris and Mariah open Europe's most shameless temple of excess, can anyone afford to stay there? Sharon Stone strides confidently onto the stage a few feet in front of me, and you can hear an appreciative murmur pass through the well-heeled crowd. Dressed in Roberto Cavalli couture, the 51-year-old star looks thinner than ever and with not a blonde hair out of place. She is here in Antalya, Turkey, for the launch of what's being billed as the grandest and most expensive hotel in Europe - the Mardan Palace. As the normally articulate actress begins her hosting duties, she stumbles over a word on the teleprompter. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Room with a view: The vast pool which you can traverse by gondola if a swim is too much effort&

iPhone app lets you shoot remotely with your Canon DSLR - Nikon support coming

by Devin Coldewey on May 28, 2009 Now here’s an app many creative professionals might find useful. The DSLR Remote iPhone app lets you trigger your camera’s shutter, adjust almost any of its settings, and view photos it’s taken. The catch, unfortunately, is that the camera needs to be wired to a computer for this to work. Even so, I can think of plenty of situations where this could come in handy, though admittedly there are few where a professional would absolutely need it. Still, the more tools you have, the more versatile your whole setup is, and who wouldn’t want to snap pics via their iPhone anyway? It even works with Live View, so you essentially have yourself a gigantic spy camera if you need it. It’s available now at the App Store in two flavors: Lite for $2 and Pro for $10. I’d spring for Pro, because that lets you do the more advanced adjustments and use Live View. There are plans for a Nikon version but they’re still testing that. Patience, grasshopper. [via

Kunjungan Simon Nofie 24 Mei 2009

How can I test if my son is Gay ?

Relationship according to Google

Klik gambarnya untuk baca lebih jelas

10 Kata-Kata Bijak 2009

Uang bukan segalanya. Masih ada Mastercard & Visa.

Top 10 Signs A Girl Has Fallen In Love With A Man

From Tianya : 1. Subtle speech When a woman loves has fallen in love with a man, she usually won’t take the initiative in pouring her heart out and saying “I love you,” and will instead send out subtle messages for you to detect. For example, while your group of young friends are on the way back from singing songs at the KTV, a girl suddenly says to you: “Can you help me keep this bag of milk warm?” At this time, men will certainly feel very puzzled, thinking: “Why is she asking me to help her warm [this milk]? And further, can the hands really warm it?” Actually, is already purposefully giving you a subtle message. 2. Take initiative to strike up a conversation

Amazing pictures of vapour cone as fighter jet cuts through the sky

By Beth Hale It looks like a flight of fancy from the special effects department - a fighter aircraft slicing through a perfectly triangular cloud. Yet no trickery was involved in this photograph of a U.S. Navy Super Hornet. The cloud is known as a shock collar or vapour cone, created in certain atmospheric conditions at high speeds. Plane amazing: This awe-inspiring image shows a U.S. Super Hornet while performing at New York Air Show

40 Amazing 3D Art Pieces

by GisMullr | May 26, 2009 I was doing my regular research online when I bumped into some great pieces of 3D art at deviantART and decided to do this post! Let me tell you that as I'm kinda of new here I was pretty impressed with the type of work you can produce using nothing but a computer, creativity and talent. ;) Some pieces also evolve character modeling, which I also think pretty interesting. Here I will show some great samples I found from 3D art on deviantART and Flickr. Most of the pieces here were produced using 3D studio max, photoshop, rhino, v-ray, lightwave and other softwares of this type. So, check it out and enjoy! DjDrako - deviantART LuciFerAngel - Flickr Read More at abduzeedo >>>

Is Daddy really the only boy you've kissed? How the average Briton tells FOUR lies a day

By Rachel Halliwell Could YOU survive only telling the truth to your children, your partner and your boss? As a study reveals we tell a whopping four lies a day, we challenged one mother to be completely honest for a whole week. So who did scratch the family car - and how much was that dress? Journalist Rachel Halliwell took a rather difficult test by not lying for a whole week The average person tells four lies a day, according to a new survey. Well, if my experiences of the past week are anything to go by, there's nothing average about me. I lie to my husband, parents and children regularly. I am also economical with the truth where friends and colleagues are concerned - and I lie to myself. For seven days I have tried to speak only the truth. It has made me realise just what an accomplished liar I really am...

Tarif PLN

Pagi ini di KOMPAS ada yang komplen soal tarif PLN yang menjebak. Namanya PAKET BERSINAR. Karena penasaran saya mencari di Om Google soal PAKET BERSINAR ini, tetapi tidak di ketemukan di site manapun di dunia ini. Gila. Jaman gini gitu lho... ck ck ck... iseng2 liat ke website PLN... Tarif PLN di ternyata masih tarif 2003 !!!! gilaaaaa Aku juga menemukan satu2nya forum untuk komplen soal PLN di Forum Detik ENCLOSURE III B DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER : 89th 2002 DATE : DECEMBER 31st 2002 ELECTRICAL BASIC TARIFF FOR HOUSEHOLD NO. FAC TARIFF Power Boundary Load charge (RP./kVA/month) Expense of usage (RP./kWh) July 1st up to September 30th 2003 October 1st up to December 31st 2003 July 1st up to September 30th 2003 1 Oktober up to December 31st 2003 1. R-1 / LV up tp 450 VA 11.000 12.000 Block I  : 0 up to 30 kWh : 169 Block II : above 30 kWh up to 60 kWH:360 Block III : above 60 kWh : 495 Block I  : 0 up to 30 kWh : 172 Block II : above

Review Nexian NX-G900

Baru-baru ini , XL bekerja sama dengan vendor ponsel lokal Nexian meluncurkan ponsel QWERTY GSM 2 On ekonomis Nexian NX-G900. Di tengah demam ponsel QWERTY yang tengah melanda indonesia (lihat saja,betapa populernya blackberry (BB) dan Nokia e-series yang memakai QWERTY), NX-G900 bisa jadi merupakan solusi murah untuk memiliki HP QWERTY ekonomis. NX-G900 ini di hargai Rp. 999.000, tapi berhubung begitu banyak di carinya hp ini,harganya naik jadi 1.250.000 (di FJB kaskus ada yang jual segitu soalnya....) ,prinsip ekonomi lah,kalau barang banyak permintaannya,harganya pasti naik. Baca lengkapnya di Caesar's Palace Blog >>>

Misteri Tol Cipularang

Tol Cipularang - Bandung Tidak ada salahnya lebih berhati hati........ Cerita 1 Tadi jam 22.00 dape SMS dari temen yang pulang ke Bandung via Cipularang, kalo di KM 70-an (deket waduk Jatiluhur) ada KIA Visto silver B 8878 xx yang posisinya ada di depan dia, tiba-tiba mengerem mendadak dan terguling di jalur sebelah kanan.

Easy Solutions

So, you're in love with one of your friends, but she has a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have sex with you anyway. What you will need: 1 x knife, 1 x ring, access to a sunbed, the ability to grow a beard.

This Might Be Not A Good Thing

Jury finds Wis. mother guilty in prayer death

By ROBERT IMRIE Associated Press Writer WAUSAU, Wis. (AP) -- A jury Friday found a central Wisconsin mother guilty of killing her 11-year-old daughter by praying for her to heal instead of rushing her to the doctor. A Marathon County jury deliberated about four hours before convicting Leilani Neumann, 41, of rural Weston, of second-degree reckless homicide. No sentencing date was set. Neumann remains free on bond. "We have another shot on appeal," defense lawyer Gene Linehan said. "Obviously, there will be an appeal." Neumann left the courtroom clutching her husband as her three other children, looking stunned, followed. She declined comment. Neumann's daughter, Madeline, died of untreated diabetes March 23, 2008, surrounded by people praying for her. When she suddenly stopped breathing, her parents' business and Bible study partners finally called 911. More at >> [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="402"

Belajar Menghitung Tagihan Listrik

Semoga Menambah pengetahuan anda tentang bagaimana menghitung biaya pengeluaran penggunaan listrik. Supaya tidak mudah main bayar saja jumlah tagihan yang membludak besar. :D Pertama adalah baca KWh meter anda Misalkan pada KWh meter anda terlihat 00 500 4 Lihat lima angka pada angka digit dari sebelah kiri, satu digit di sebelah kanan tidak perlu diperhatikan. Dengan demikian hanya dibaca 500 saja, tanpa angka 4. Jika pembacaan meteran tidak sesuai dengan yang di catat petugas PLN, anda bisa mengadukan ke Call Center PLN 123. Mari kita menghitung Bulan Tagihan KWh meter Januari 0 - 13 Februari 13 - 45 Maret 45 - 50 April 50 - 58 May 58 - 75 Juni 75 - 500

The amazing little girl dubbed 'Jigsaw Kid' ... with five spleens, back-to-front liver and two left lungs

By David Wilkes On the outside, Bethany Jordan looks like any healthy little girl - cheeky grin included.But on the inside, she has been pieced together differently from everyone else. Dubbed the 'Jigsaw Kid', Bethany was born with five spleens, a hole in the heart, a diseased and back-tofront liver, a right lung formed as if it was a left one, and her stomach on the wrong side. 'Jigsaw Kid': Bethany Jordan, six, has a body like no other in the world Doctors warned her parents Lisa and Robert there was little chance she would survive birth. But she did, and six years later is still defying the odds.

Brando's Dual SATA HDD Multi-Function Dock with One Touch Backup

by Darren Murph , posted May 20th 2009 at 8:19PM It's funny, really. Years back, we figured this SATA HDD dock was a one-off device that would get swept under the rug as quickly as it reached prominence. And yet, here we are in May of 2009 looking at the latest iteration of a product that won't ever stop reinventing itself. Brando 's Dual SATA HDD Multi-Function Dock with One Touch Backup (yeah, seriously) doubles up on elder models by holding two 2.5- or 3.5-inch hard drives, and it also accepts a litany of flash cards. Lastly, this adds an eSATA connector to the traditional USB 2.0 socket for a bit more flexibility, but we still can't justify the $89 price if you already own a predecessor (or three). Read

Schönbrunn Palace

Kota impian yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan. 4 hari penuh menjelajah garis-garis besar penjuru kota Wina. 1,5 jam lewat jalan tol dari Regensburg sampai ke perbatasan Austria lalu dilanjut 2,5 jam mengantar kita ke kota Wina. Tujuan pertama adalah Istana Schönbrunn. Istana Schönbrunn berdiri dengan megah dan gagahnya di jantung kota Wina. Dari gerbang masuk terhampar halaman istana yang sangat luas lalu istana diujungnya. Menakjubkan! Saya merasa sangat kecil dan tak berdaya dibandingkan dengan kekokohan, kemegahan  istana Schönbrunn. Bayangkan...450 tahun yang lalu tidak ada yang bisa menginjak istana ini selain keluarga/undangan dari kerajaan. Dan hari itu saya bisa melangkah masuk rasanya seperti mesin waktu ke saat dimana istana Schönbrunn menjadi saksi. Saksi sejarah, saksi bisu kekaisaran Austria ratusan tahun yang lalu. Dibawah kekaisaran Raja Leopold I, dipanggilah arsitek Johann Bernhard Fischer untuk me-re-design istana Schönbrunn (1696), yang sebelumnya sudah ada sejak

Study Ball

Parents struggling to get their kids to revise in the run-up to exams can now keep them at their desk using a ball and chain that only unlocks when they have studied for long enough. A red digital display counts down the "Study Time Left" and the device beeps and unlocks when the time expires. The prison-style device weighs 9.5 kg (21 pounds), making it difficult to move while wearing it. It cannot be locked for more than four hours and comes with a safety key that allows the manacle to be opened at anytime. The ball and chain costs £75 and is sold online at .

Top 5 Sites For Learning Piano Online

May. 18th, 2009 By Ryan Dube For some reason, whenever you search for anything free online, you are inundated with sites created solely for collecting email addresses or for selling a product. This is especially true when it comes to sites on the Internet that offer free piano lessons.  Unfortunately, almost 90 percent of the websites with “free piano lessons” in the title only offer one or two very basic lessons. Ultimately, they want you to sign up for paid full-length piano lessons. Thankfully, there really are legitimate websites out there that do offer legitimate, free piano lessons.  MakeUseOf has always offered some of the best resources for music lessons, such as the review of ZentaoGuitar lessons for learning the electric guitar or Laurence’s list of essential free guitar playing online tools . Focusing on piano music, I offer MUO readers the following list of the top 5 free piano lesson websites online. Continue Reading…

Transformers USB flash drive

by Laura June , posted May 19th 2009 at 4:44PM Sure, you already have piles of flash drives scattered around your apocalyptic nightmare of an apartment, but this one's more special than those, right? Because it's a Transformer-- Ravage, AKA Tripredacus Agent. Ravage has outlived the age of cassette and is onto smaller, better things, and he can store up to 2GB of your most valuable data. He's going to run $42.99 when he's available in September, and can be pre-ordered now. Update: It looks like the pre-order is already sold out! Wonder if the fact that we ordered 1,000 of them has anything to do with it? [Via Coolest Gadgets ]

Top 45 Creative Anti-Smoking Advertisements

Anti-smoking ads have gotten increasingly graphic, even gruesome in the past few years. If you have tried to quit smoking and failed before, take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before quitting successfully. The images below will ease your way and help insure that this is the last time you ever need to go through the quitting process. Some images are extremely creative and inspiring for designer. Please feel free to tell us your favourite anti-smoking ads we have missed. Lihat selanjutnya di The Design Inspiration

Microsoft's beta My Phone service for Windows Mobile now free to all

by Thomas Ricker , posted May 19th 2009 at 4:18AM Go 'n get it! Microsoft's My Phone service is now ready for all Windows Mobile users to test. The beta service syncs any Windows Mobile 6+ phone to Microsoft's 200MB per person cloud. That includes contacts, calendars, tasks, photos, text messages, music, videos, and more. In essence, anything on the My Phone website is on the phone and vice versa. Hey free is free and this is a goodie. [Via SlashPhone ]

GPS System might begin to fail in 2010

by Joseph L. Flatley , posted May 19th 2009 at 9:37PM Get all of your geocache games in while you can, kids... if the Worst Case Scenario® goes down, the nation's GPS system could begin to fail sometime next year. According to a Government Accounting Office report, the Global Positioning System has been so mismanaged that when aging equipment starts to fail, there may be no new satellites to take their place. "If the Air Force does not meet its schedule goals for development of GPS IIIA satellites," the report states, "there will be an increased likelihood that... the overall GPS constellation will fall below the number of satellites required to provide the level of GPS service that the U.S. government commits to." All we can say is that between this, Internet Doomsday , and the imminent Robot Apocalypse , it's gonna be a fun couple of years. [Via Fox News ]

How to Service a Hubble ?

Tentunya harus ke luar angkasa deh.. coba liat di The Big Picture nih.. keren2

Amputee, 5, is already a world beater on her bionic blades

He has been called the fastest man on no legs. But Oscar 'Blade Runner' Pistorius got a run for his money when five-year-old Ellie Challis challenged him to a race on their bionic feet. Paralympian Pistorius, world record holder for double amputees at 100, 200 and 400 metres, may have made some allowance for age and the fact that Ellie's blades were fitted only last month. But she had clearly learned quicker than he bargained for - Ellie crossed the line first in all four of their 15-metre races. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="469" caption="Big feat: Ellie Challis gives Oscar Pitorius a run for his money in London"] [/caption]

Then who's doing the work ?

Krisis finansial memaksa perusahaan besar untuk mengambil keputusan berat ada kemungkinan kita harus memecat Andre


Four guys and a woman are stuck in an elevator. While they are stuck, they strike up a conversation. The first guy says, 'I'm a Y.U.P.P.I.E., you know... ''Young, Urban, Professional, Peaceful, Intelligent, Ecologist.'' The second guy says, 'I'm a D.I.N.K.Y, you know... Double Income, No Kids Yet. ' The third guy says, 'I'm a R.U.B., you know... ''Rich, Urban, Biker. ' The fourth guy says, I am a D.I.L.D.O, you know... 'Double Income, Little Dog Owner.'' They turn to the woman and ask her. ''What are you?'' She replies: 'I'm a WIFE, you know...

Lomba Menggambar di atas Kaos

Untuk SD Kelas 3 s/d Kelas 6 (syarat: melampirkan Akte kelahiran saat mendaftar) Dengan tema "SAYA SUKA MEMBACA"

Just like S**

Eveline Rose: "Hidup ini seperti sex.... kalau mau PUAS....harus self service!"

Understanding Life

Ciri-ciri Blackberry Refurbish

Total Defrag 2009 Special Edition [Now Free for Home Use]

May. 6th, 2009 By Karl L. Gechlik I have been using Paragon tools for a while now. They make a pretty good defragmenter tool as well as a partition manager, Rescue software, Hard Drive Tools and Backup programs. None of which I have ever covered here on for the simple fact that they cost money. We feature free products here and today I have learned the Paragon has made several of its products free for home use. They call them ‘Special Editions’. Today we will be downloading and taking a look at Total Defrag 2009 Special Edition. I went to this link to grab my copy. They ask you to register and provide an email address where you can receive your license information. For those of you who still do not like giving out their email address we have covered plenty of self destructing email addresses which you can find here and here . You can start your download before you get the email so you will be ready to go when th

Tiara Lestari (complete)

Info lengkap Tiara Lestari klik di sini

HIS Fan Club


Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009

Gile keren nih.. coba aja liat gambar2 selanjutnya, klik di foto ini ok?

Mohon Dukungan Doa Temen2 Semua

Dear All, Teman2....nofie lagi butuh bantuan nih......Butuh dukungan doa dari kalian semua.Maaf merepotkan. Disini nofie mau curhat,sharing,pokoknya all in one...(kaya shampoo) Pernah seorang customer toko cerita.Dia orang Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur) udah 6 tahun di Batam.Pertama2 dateng dia usaha 'toko lampu' tapi karena keteteran ama orang2 sini yg menjual dengan harga miringToko dia kalah pamor.Tapi sekarang dia pindah haluan.Dia bikin developer kecil2an.Sharing ama dia Nofie dapet sesuatu yang pada waktu itu nofie anggap lucu.Dia bilang ama Nofie n Simon "BATAM= Bila Anda Tiba Anda Menyesal" belom selesai sampe disana "tapiiiiii BATAM= Bila Anda Tabah Akan Menyenangkan" saat itu itu lucu buat Nofie.Tapi saat ini,nofie mulai mikir... Nofie masih di point pertama "begitu anda tiba,anda menyesal" pengen banget nofie bisa survive disini.Mengingat begitu penat hidup di Jakarta n Bandung.Tapi SUMPAH guys.....itu susah banget. Ternyata...Jakarta itu emang n