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Showing posts from March, 2010

Ramalan Mama Loreng

Sifat org berdasar bulan lahirnya: Januari :  pendiam, dptdi percaya,mandiri,teliti,pintar dlm mengatur keuangan & berwibawa Febuari :  senang di puji,agak pemalas,keras hati,cenderung tdk mau mengalah, manja, mudah tersinggung, dia sedikit pelupa,menghargai org lain. Maret :  pemalu&tertutup.perkataannya jujur dpt di percaya.baik hati,dan mudah iba kepada orng yg membutuhkan pertolongan.mempunyai selera tinggi. ‎​ April :  senang di puji,cerdas,keras kepala,tdk suka di perintah,mudah bosan,dlm hal berteman dia tdk pilih2 kawan.pintar dlm mengatur keuangan,kata2nya kurang dpt di percaya.‎ ​ Mei :  tindak tanduknya dlm pekerjaan cukup hebat.memiliki selera tinggi.cerdas,&fokus pd pekerjaan.agak boros Juni :  suka berfikir yg muluk2,romantis,suka menolong,ceria,kurang tegas Juli :  suka berkhayal,senang di puji,setia kawan,cerdas&pintar berbicara tetapi jika sedang marah,kata2nya menusuk perasaan org lain,agak pemalas,terutama untk sesuatu yg berhub

Last Song, The (Disney)


Moon cake makers in Hong Kong were inspired by the human's buttocks, bakers made moon cakes in the images of different buttocks. The Mid-Autumn festival which falls on the fifteen day of the eighth lunar month is an occasion for families to get together, eat moon cakes, and light lanterns while enjoying the full moon, harmony and luck.

Mau Umur Panjang dan Anak Kembar?

In Rushan city of Shangdong province, there is a pair of twin sisters who are 97 year old this year , they are one year older than another pair of twin brothers who just to be confirmed as " China's oldest twins" by Shanghai Guinness Book. They were born in May 18, 1912. If people ask them how to be longevous, the second daughter of Zhao Xiuxiang told us that they like to eat seafood very much, especially oyster, they eat oysters almost every day, and sometimes they eat oysters for three meal a day.

The World's Tallest Vs Shortest

Sultan Kosen (2.4638m) from Turkey and Pingping He (74cm) from China attended The Guinness World Record street show on 14th Jan, 2010. They are "the world's tallest" and "the world's shortest" Guinness record holder now.

Wordpress 3.0 Coming Soon !

Reblogged from wpbeginner Syed Balkhi and Amanda Roberts of WPBeginner attended  WordCamp Miami this past weekend on February 20th. After sitting through Jane Well’s presentation and talking with her after her speech, we have decided to share with the WPBeginner community what is coming in WordPress 3.0 in terms of features. WordPress 3.0 is projected to be released on May 1st, the same day as WordCamp San Francisco . Feature freeze is pushed to March 1st, 2010 at which point there will not be any new feature requests taken (Only Bug Fixes). WordPress 3.0 Features As we mentioned that Feature freeze is on March 1st, therefore this list will contain only major features that we are fairly certain will make into WordPress Version 3.0. Merge of WordPress MU + For those of you who do not know what WordPress MU is, you do not need to worry at all. WordPress MU is a similar platform to WordPress except it allows users to run multiple sites under one installation.

Great Idea

Waaahh kenapa gak kepikiran dari dulu ya? :P

Keeping your data secure by Google

Keeping your data secure At Google, we take account security very seriously, and we  regularly provide our users with tips to help protect their Google account and their computer. To reduce the risk of becoming a victim of cyber attack, we recommend following these steps: Check for unusual access or activity in your account. Regularly review your account for unfamiliar or suspicious activity. If you have a Gmail account, you can see the last account activity recorded at the bottom of the page, including the most recent IP addresses accessing the account. Check for viruses and malware. Run a scan on your computer with trusted and up-to-date anti-virus software. If the scan detects any suspicious programs or applications, remove them immediately.  Read more . Perform regular operating system and browser updates. Whether you use  Windows ,  Mac OS , or another operating system, we recommend enabling your automatic update setting if one is available through your operating system,

No ONE escapes DEATH !

How to Handle a Penis

More Nona Manis : Fina

Find out the differences between,, and - read our FAQ or go to . Your email program/account might have a spam filter which mistakenly marks our emails as spam. Please make sure to add, and to your safe senders list. WARNING: ADULT MATERIALS FOR CONSENTING ADULTS OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE

Char Kway Teow

Char Kway Teow atau Kwetiau atau 炒粿條 adalah masakan yang sangat-sangat digemari di Bandung sini.

Virus Amburadul

reblogged from detikInet oleh Ardhi Suryadhi Jakarta - Virus Amburadul, dari namanya saja kita sudah tahu kalau program jahat ini merupakan buatan lokal. Virus ini mempunyai tujuan utama untuk menyerang semua tipe file gambar yang berada di media Flash Disk atau external hardisk. Dijelaskan analis virus dari Vaksincom, Norman Security Suite mendeteksi virus ini sebagai Woem:VBWorm.gen22. Virus yang merupakan modifikasi dari virus W32/MoontoxBro ini bekerja dengan cara menyembunyikan file dan membuat file duplikat dengan nama file dan ekstensi file yang sama diikuti tanda petik.  Saat ini sudah lebih dari 6 varian yang dikeluarkan. Dari keenam varian tersebut sebenarnya tidak mempunyai perbedaan yang mencolok mulai dari penamaan file induk virus, media penyebaran dan aksi yang dilakukan. Yang membedakan adalah dari ukuran file dan file security yang akan diblok oleh virus ini.  "Virus buatan Palangkaraya ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa Visual Basic yang akan mempunyai ukuran

More Nona Manis : Sani

Find out the differences between,, and - read our FAQ or go to . Your email program/account might have a spam filter which mistakenly marks our emails as spam. Please make sure to add, and to your safe senders list. WARNING: ADULT MATERIALS FOR CONSENTING ADULTS OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE

The hidden dangers of working in IT

Reblogged from : Debug Reality Working in IT has a lot of up sides, there is always new and interesting challenges that can be pretty fun to solve. Finishing a product is always exciting. Getting into a solid state of productivity is also a lot of fun, getting that rush of flow going and losing yourself in it. But there are a number of negative aspects that I don't think many people are fully aware of. Sure most people know one or two but probably don't realize they may be suffering from the side effects of the industry that they aren't aware of. I have experienced burn out twice in my career after working for 5 years in one job or another and I know it's a pretty common thing in IT. Just yesterday one of my colleagues was telling me about a friend of theirs who was a brilliant developer but got so burnt out he quite and now he works as an attendant in a parking garage. Everything in life has a positive side and a negative side and while it probably isn't a good ide

1980 1GB vs 2009 1GB

What a difference ! Reblogged from Reddit

X'tra Large Resto

Pho Garden Home of the Pho Challenge! Pho Garden offers the freshest ingredients with a n exquisite variety of entrees. Enjoy our elegant ambiance, decor and excellent service while chowing down on some of our family made Vietnamese cuisine . Some of our specialties include: PHO Challenge, Beef noodle soup, Bun Bo Hue(Beef and Pork with lemon grass) noodle spicy soup, Filet Mignon with garlic noodle. The newly remodeled Pho Garden also hosts private events.

Jail Survival Guide

Stay away from tattoos. Prison ink is guaranteed Hepatitis. Don't fall into the Mentor/new guy trap. Some dude will try and "help you out" as the new guy. Politely decline. You will end up HIS bitch, or he will sell you to someone as a bitch. Don't fucking do drugs while in jail. You'll probably have an easier time finding drugs in jail than you could in the streets. You get into bad debt real fast with a drug habit. Get all the money you can together, get your family to put it on your books as soon as you get there. Little luxuries like packaged food and cigarettes(if they allow them) will keep you sane, not to mention they are de facto jail currency. Don't be ashamed to bribe someone with luxuries to get in good favor, or ease a hurt ego. If you think anyone has beef with you, pay it off.

Flash Disk Buat Yang Punya Uang lebih :)

New photographs of Barack Obama's childhood in Indonesia

By  MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE Last updated at 9:48 AM on 17th March 2010 Grinning happily at the camera, this is Barry Soetoro, the cherubic little boy who went on to become America's first black president. The charming images taken at a child's birthday party in Jakarta 40 years ago were released as Indonesia prepares to welcome Barack Obama back to the country for the first time since he became president. The Asia-Pacific tour will also take in Australia and Guam and has been described as an 'extremely important trip' involving 'important partners', a White House spokesman said. Chubby: Barack Obama, then known as Barry Soetoro, centre, is pictured at a classmate's birthday party in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1971 Read the rest of this entry →

Game : Sushi Go Round (updated)

Twilight : Eclipse !

Mortal Kombat !

IronMan 2 Poster (update: Trailer)

Calvin & Hobbes

Best Divorce Letter Ever

Reblogged from PBH3

Harry Potter's Facebook Status

X-Men Love Story

Microsoft confirms the 'F1' key as potentially deadly

reblogged from Download Squad Look at it up there, in the top left corner, just above your middle finger, all innocuous-looking... just gagging to be depressed... you could just give F1 a little tickle, no one would know...  STOP! Don't do it! At least, not if you're on Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003. A few days ago  a warning appeared on Microsoft's Security Response Center , in it they detailed an attack involving pop-up boxes and the F1 key. There's now  a full Security Advisory on the issue , and if you're running one of the affected operating systems you should read it. In essence: if you hit F1 in response to a pop-up dialog, an attacker could execute arbitrary code (i.e. hack you). All it takes is some cleverly-crafted VBScript -- but Microsoft says it's not aware of any such attacks currently in the wild. The good news is, it only affects you if you're using Internet Explorer -- the bad news is, it probably won't be patched for some time, so s

China car show model Shoushou 兽兽 sex video

The news " China #1 Sexy Car Show Model 兽兽 Shoushou Sex Video Leak " reports that a famous China car show model has her sex video leaked by her ex boyfriend. There are total 3 videos, total over 30MB. The first video is her blowing for the guy. She looks into camera while blowing...

Streaming Java Jazz Festival 2010

Bagi yang suka Java Jazz dan gak bisa ke Jakarta, ikutin Live Streamingnya nih Berita didapat dari Detik.Com

Resep Peluruh Kolesterol dan Trigliserida

JAKARTA, - Mengonsumsi tanaman obat, baik daun, biji, akar, maupun buahnya, tidak berarti makan tanaman itu sebanyak-banyaknya. Konsumsilah ramuan tersebut dengan komposisi dan dosis tertentu. Karenanya, cara membuat ramuan, komposisi, dosis, dan waktu pemakaian harus dipelajari dengan baik lagi benar.  Berikut beberapa resep peluruh kolesterol dan trigliserida. 1. Alpukat Bahan:  1 buah alpukat matang Cara Pemakaian: Buah alpukat dimakan mentah. Lakukan setiap hari. 2. Kubis                 Bahan: 1 buah kubis segar Cara Pemakaian: Cuci kubis hingga bersih, lalu bilas dengan air matang. Potong-potong seperlunya, lalu dijus. Air sari kubis diminum sekaligus, lakukan setiap hari. Read the rest of this entry →

The most detailed views of Earth to date

These spectacular 'blue marble' images are the most detailed views of Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite images, scientists painstakingly stitched together months of observations to create these montages which show the surface of the continents and oceans in stunning detail. This mesmerising view of Earth is a montage of images taken by the Terra satellite orbiting 435miles above the planet's surface Much of the imagery came from a space camera onboard the Nasa satellite Terra, which is orbiting 435miles above the Earth's surface. A spokesman from the Nasa Goddard Space Flight Centre, which released the pictures, said: 'These are spectacular "blue marble" images, which show the beauty of our small planet.'