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Microsoft confirms the 'F1' key as potentially deadly

reblogged from Download Squad

Look at it up there, in the top left corner, just above your middle finger, all innocuous-looking... just gagging to be depressed... you could just give F1 a little tickle, no one would know... STOP! Don't do it! At least, not if you're on Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003. A few days ago a warning appeared on Microsoft's Security Response Center, in it they detailed an attack involving pop-up boxes and the F1 key. There's now a full Security Advisory on the issue, and if you're running one of the affected operating systems you should read it.

In essence: if you hit F1 in response to a pop-up dialog, an attacker could execute arbitrary code (i.e. hack you). All it takes is some cleverly-crafted VBScript -- but Microsoft says it's not aware of any such attacks currently in the wild.

The good news is, it only affects you if you're using Internet Explorer -- the bad news is, it probably won't be patched for some time, so some old business machines will no doubt get compromised before a fix is in place. I wonder if the new browser ballot thing warns users about unpatched security holes before they choose a browser to install...


  1. hahaha untung saya udah lama gak pake IE.. pake IE cuman untuk klikbca doank, knp klikbca gak bikin versi untuk FF yah..

  2. Emang gak bisa gitu Wil? aku dulu pake firefox bisa kok klikBCA, sekarang sih pake Chrome tuh :shy:

  3. hmm.. gw pernah pake ff problem jadi weh gak pake lagi .. :D


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