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Showing posts from July, 2008

Nama Asli Seleb Indonesia

1. Siapa nama asli Chrisye? Krisman Rahardi. 2. Siapa nama asli Iwan Fals? Virgiawan Listanto. 3. Siapa nama asli Sania? Siti Tuti Susilawati Sutisna. Ada-ada aja yeee. 4. Siapa nama asli Pepeng? Ferrasta Soebardi. Lebih keren nama aslinya yeee. 5. Siapa nama asli Dede Yusuf? Yusuf Macan Effendi. Lho, Macan-nya ke mana? 6. Siapa nama asli Dorce Gamalama? Ahmad Ashadi. Wuakakakakakakaaa. 7. Siapa nama asli Bimbim Slank? Bimo Setiawan Almachzumi. 8. Siapa nama asli Dewi Persik? Dewi Murya Agung. Lho, Persik-nya dari mana, Mbak? 9. Siapa nama asli Annisa Bahar? Ani Setiawati. Wikikikikikikikikik ik. 10. Siapa nama asli Dian Sastro? Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo. Emang aslinya sudah kereeen.

Super sexy beauty of the seaside strip temptation


Sebagai acuan, blog ini bisa menggunakan berbagai macam font nih pas kita tulis posting Andale Mono - Andale Mono 8 pt Arial - Arial 10 pt Arial Black - Arial Black 12 pt Book Antiqua - Book Antiqua 14 pt Comic Sans MS - Comic Sans MS 18 pt Courier New - Courier New 24 pt Georgia - Georgia 38 pt Helvetica - Helvetica 24 pt Impact - Impact 18 pt Symbol - Symbol 14 pt Tahoma - Tahoma 12 pt Terminal - Terminal 10 pt Times New Roman - Times New Roman 8 pt Trebuchet MS - Trebuchet MS 10 pt Verdana - Verdana 12 pt Webdings - Webdings 14 pt Wingdings - Wingdings 18 pt Selain itu ada juga tipe2 : paragraph address preformatted Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6

Draft RUU Pajak

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="340" caption="palu hakim"] [/caption] Pagi ini dapat kiriman dari teman yang katanya Draft RUU Pajak.  Tapi ya nanti kalau sudah ada yg final sih gak jamin sama yah.. :D Bagi yang mau baca2x draftnya seperti apa silahkan lihat attachment gambarnya.

Tag dan Category... apa bedanya ?

Aku baru baca nih ... (eh waktu posting ini muncul sih dah baca lama he.he.he) ... apa bedanya Category dan Tag... category ya seperti namanya, kita mau masukin postingan kita ke kategori apa... Relationship? Jokes? Mature? atau apa... tapi kalo Tag... Tag itu mini kategori... tapi bukan berfungsi seperti kategori... fungsinya lebih seperti ini... pada waktu orang laen pengen baca posting kita, mereka search pake kata (keyword) apa? nah itu namanya Tag... ya aku juga masih agak2 pusing soal ini dan sampe sekarang gak pernah pake tag tuh di blog ini... ada yang mau menambahkan ?

Messages from water

I first heard about the “message from water” during a Waste Management Discussion last 21 June 2008.  The message was that we as human are able to change the energies around us with every thought,action and emotion. A positive, joy filled thoughts and emotions put beneficial energies into our beings and our living environment. A Japanese Scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto found that if he played beautiful music in the presence of tap water, it would then make beautiful frozen crystal formations. He also learned that the written word changed the water. He found that words such as “Thank you,” and “I love you,” caused the tap water to form beautiful crystals. Words such as “You make me sick,” or “You are a fool,” caused ugly, distorted crystals or no crystals at all. Dr. Emoto then found that we can cause tap water to form beautiful frozen water crystals simply by praying for the water, by sending it loving thoughts, and by blessing it. Dr. Emoto developed a process in which he would freeze dr

Why we need vitamins?

Our body needs vitamins to stay healthy.  I took Vitamin C and E on daily basis and also two other supplements Grape seed pills in the morning and Evening primerose oil in the evening.  Here is a list of Vitamins that are important for our body. —————————————————– Vitamin A is referred to be a vitamin for growth and body repair. It is very vital in the formation of bone and tissues and also keeps your skin smooth. And if you are night blind, the cure is having more Vitamins A. Vitamin B1 is an energy building vitamin which helps you to digest carbohydrates. It also keeps your heart and muscles stable. Vitamin C is a very commonly pronounced vitamin world wide. From kids to veterans, this vitamin is very essential as it protects your bones, teeth and gums. The ultimate medicine for curing scurvy and also resists any infection to grow in your body. Without its support collagen cannot be synthesized in the body.

Noah's Ark

Working Replica of Noah's Ark Opens SCHAGEN, Netherlands

TV vs HP

Wife is like TV, girlfriend is like Handphone (HP) At home watch TV, go out bring HP. No money, sell TV. Got money change HP. Sometimes enjoy TV, but most of the time play with HP.


Bagi kita eek setiap hari itu sehat, namun kita juga bisa memeriksa apakah eek kita benar-benar sehat dari tips di bawah ini...

Judul Film Versi Jawa, Sunda, Batak, Minang

Versi Jawa <> Enemy at the Gates -- Musuhe Wis Tekan Gapuro Die Another Day -- Modare Ojo Saiki Die Hard -- Matine Angel Die Hard II -- Matine Angel Tenan Die Hard III With A Vengeance -- Kowe Kok Ra Mati-Mati To? Die Hard IV (Die) - Jan Tenanan, Arep Mati Kok Angel Tenan


Ah Bengs

Ah Beng bought a new mobile. He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said, 'My Mobile No. Has changed. Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610' ==================================== Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College . Friend: Really, what is he studying. Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are Studying him.

Pilwakot Bandung

Perhelatan pilwakot di kota Kembang (baca: Bandung) sudah mulai digelar,4pasangan sudah mendaftarkan diri, dada-ayi,taufikurrahman-deni triesnahadi,hudaya,synar-arry..dan dr putusan KPU Kota,3 pasang yg ditetapkan mnjadi kontestan perhelatan ini. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption=" Pasangan Dada-Ayi terpasang di Gasibu, Jl Diponegoro, Bandung, Senin (7/7). "] [/caption] hal yg menarik tentu saja adlah hadirnya 2 pasang calon independen di pilwakot ini, dan klo ga slah merupakan yg pertama di Indonesia, dan patut ditunggu apakah hipotesis bbrapa orang melalui media massa mngenai turunnya kepercayaan massa thd partai politik bisa terbukti. ya berkaitan juga dgn hasil pilkada jateng dan jabar yg angka golputny mncapai 40%,cmiiw.. nah kmbali ke masing2 calon..berikut akan saya utarakan analisis kecil2an n pas2an dari masing-masing calon yg berlaga

Chevy Creates World’s First Billboard Made from Pennies, By-passers Strip it Clean

Chevrolet created havoc with its 20-foot billboard advert made entirely from one-pence coins in London’s New Oxford Street. The unique billboard that consisted of 20,000 pennies was created to advertise the 769,500-pence starting price of the new Aveo. Understandably, it didn’t take long for hundreds of opportunistic by passers to strip it clean. To be exact, the penny-billboard only lasted for a mere 30 minutes…

SPF 30

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) indicates sunburn coverage level. Sun rays are strongest from 10 a.m to 4 pm. It is important to apply sunscreen to reduce the harmful effects of the sun exposure, even if its cloudy outside. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can lead to cancer. UV Rays is just like visible light with shorter wavelengths. Different wavelengths of UV radiation have different effects on the body. Sunblocks work by absorbing, reflecting, or scattering the sun’s rays.

Wedding Handi & Yani at Hongkong

  Lagu “You Raise Me Up” ditiiupkan oleh saxophone sejalan dengan berjalannya prosesi masuk. Event yang kali ini termasuk sederhana, simple, praktis dan tidak ribet.

Psikopat di antara kita (Kenali 11 gejala Psikopat)......

photo credit: movimente Dapat dari milis tetangga.. Silahkan dicheck, apakah Anda termasuk salah satu diantaranya?

Membuka 2 Yahoo Messenger di 1 Komputer

Anda pasti sudah tahu tentang YM (Yahoo Mesenger) bukan??, Hampir semua “netter” pernah menggunakan ini. Pernahkah anda berkeinginan untuk menggunakan 2 ID YM dalam 1 komputer??. Pasti yang akan anda lakukan adalah membuka atau mengeklik icon program YM lagi (YM anda sudah anda gunakan untuk ID yg pertama). Apa yang terjadi??. Yang terbuka adalah Program YM yang pertama tadi. Dengan kata lain, hanya ada 1 program YM yang bisa di “open” oleh komputer kita. Pasrah??, Menyerah??, Jangan!!! Bisa kok! Lakukan langkah-langkah dibawah ini:


Batman the dark knight! the best batman movie i ever seen!

hmmm, sebenernya udah ampir 2 minggu gw nonton batman. Hanya karena satu dan lain hal gw ngak  bisa posting, baru kemaren ketemu mr bams n ngobrol ama macan! [THX buat  mr bams n macan yang memeri pencerahan]. Gw mo sharing ttg film batman ini, wahhh... gila mantab banget dee. Christofer Nolan emang bagus dan berhasil bikin film Batman ini. sayang ketenaran dan kehebatan film ini harus ditebus amat mahal dengan meninggalnya pemeren JOKER [heath ledger] padahal, karakater JOKERnya...luar biasa! benar2 psikopat dan memang sang aktor memerankan dengan luar biasa! bahkan kata gw dalam the dark knight, BATMAN malah ngak terlalu dominan! [kalah karakter dengan JOKER].

Shanghai Storm

It's a Shanghai-style modern bistro, with an open kitchen (behind a glass wall), and many tables for eating what seems to be several dozen dishes at once. With a menu of some 130 dishes…it's hard not to order a lot of dishes; this is the land of grazing, and a hot bed of soup, noodle, rice and dumplings. And more dumplings. And even more dumplings. Cuisine: Chinese

Jenny with big boobs

Mentari TIDAK bisa di Blokir !!

PAYAH !! SAKTI MY ASS !!? Bapak Bambang Yth, Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Bapak Bambang yang telah menggunakan layanan Indosat. Nama saya Nurul Chodriyah dan saya dengan senang hati dapat memberikan informasi dan membantu kesulitan Bapak mengenai sim card mentari nya yang hilang, maka dapat kami informasikan bahwa untuk kartu mentari yang hilang kami tidak dapat melakukan pemblokiran

Photoshop Make Over (Biar Cantik)

B anyak dari kita masih belum tahu kalau foto digital hasil jepretan sehari2x bisa dimodifikasi total lewat photo editor seperti Photoshop . Untuk demo saya ambil foto via google search lalu melakukan "Quick Edit."  Caranya cukup mudah dan hanya memakan waktu 5 menit saja untuk edit foto dibawah ini. Bila kalian bisa mempergunakan Photoshop tapi belum tau cara edit foto diatas maka silahkan ikuti petunjuk dibawah ini. Full Scale 1:! picture click disini.

South Korean Choi July Shuichi

Smart Youtube

Aku barusan install plugin Smart youtube... gunanya jadi bagi yang mau posting film dari youtube tidak perlu pakai cara yg dulu tapi cuma tinggal tulis link-nya aja.. nanti otomatis berubah jadi film youtube. Misal alamat youtube-nya adalah pas write new post.. isi saja dengan http v :// (tambah v) httpv:// Atau dengan kode http vh :// untuk versi high quality (tambah vh)

Playboy May 2008

Mongolia's Prettiest Woman Looks Like Doll

Wedding Michael & Yenny at Graha Manggala Siliwangi

  “Saya tahu Willy MUsic Entertainment dari sebuah buku Wedding Guide”, begitulah pertama kali Michael menelepon Willy, yang berujung pada pesta pernikahan di Graha Manggala Siliwangi.


Condolences for Engkong of Agnes

We are sorry to hear to hear Engkong of Agnes lost.

Cha-cha Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CHA-CHA!!! Semoga panjang umur sehat selalu dan diberkati bersama keluarga. Semakin cinta Tuhan dan berbahagia selalu. Semoga juga nanti bulan Agustus bisa ke Indo (sesuai dengan wishesnya) dan bisa traktir2 kita semua.. hehe.. May the Lord Jesus always bless you and keep you and your famillies!!

Easter Pizza

Every Easter when I was a kid, my Italian grandmother would make what the family called "Easter Pizza." She would stuff bread dough with layers of hard-boiled eggs, meats, and cheeses, and bake it in the oven until the bread was done. It was our favorite Easter treat.

Amazing Hand Painting

Mud Fight

Allah Meat

Diners have been flocking to a restaurant in northern Nigeria to see pieces of meat which the owner says are inscribed with the name of Allah. What looks like the Arabic word for God and the name of the prophet Muhammad were discovered in pieces of beef by a diner in Birnin Kebbi. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="226" caption="The gristle spells out the word "Allah" in Arabic"] [/caption] He was about to eat it, when he suddenly noticed the words in the gristle, the restaurant owner said. A search of the kitchen's meat revealed three more pieces which bore the names. The meat was boiled and then fried before being served, owner Kabiru Haliru told newspaper Weekly Trust.

Risoles Isi Ragout

Yoseph sedang di RS Immanuel

Yoseph sudah 2 hari dirawat di RS Immanuel - Ruang Nasaret kamar 1, mungkin DB, mungkin kuning tidak tahu. Barusan mendapat info dari Yahoo Messenger, bahwa Yoseph tidak cocok dengan suster yang merawatnya, sehingga dia muntah2. Berikut ini historinya:

Leopard savaging a crocodile

The astonishing spectacle of a leopard savaging a crocodile has been captured for the first time on camera. A series of incredible pictures taken at a South African game reserve document the first known time that a leopard has taken on and defeated one of the fearsome reptiles.

Pixar Short Film Collection 720p BluRay x264

Description: Here is the complete collection of the Pixar Short Films in 720p BluRay x264. Sit back and enjoy. Video: x264 (Matroska); 720p; 4000 kbps Audio: English 5.1 AC3; 640 kbps Length: 57 min Total Size: 1.79 GB

Photography Illusions

Peta Hardisk computer

Bagi yang memakai OS Machintosh, bisa download program  GrandPerspective . Program ini bisa scan hardisk kita dan membuat peta hardisk kita. Yang lebih menarik lagi, program ini Free dan opensource.  Contoh gambar diatas saya scan partisi utama Mac saya dan ternyata ada beberapa file segede gajah yang ternyata itu file2x tersebut adalah file backup yg saya lupa burn ke dvd. Pantas saja hardisk daku menipis dengan dasyat. Yang kerennya itu kita tinggal tunjuk block yg besar tersebut dan dibawahnya ada 1 baris yg menunjukan file apa itu dan berada di directory mana. Official Website : Download langsung: GrandPerspective-0_9_12_1.dmg

Game Capsules

Aku dah tambahin 1 game baru tuh di GAMES, coba cek aja ya... namanya Capsules.. gile susah loh ... kudu konsen...

Container for Living

Gak punya rumah? mau coba tinggal di dalam kontainer? Jangan gak mau dulu... km belum pernah liat kontainer yang kayak gini loh.. he.he.he.