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Love Story Again.. Real... No Hoaaaaxxxx!!!^^

Lovely Lion

Kalo yang ini dijamin asli dah.. he he he :mrgreen:

Imagine a 400lb Lion hugging you!? It turns out that the King of the Jungle is just a really, really big kitten.

This woman rescues big cats in Colombia. The lion was abused, injured and malnourished. She took him in and cared for him until he was healthy – the two developed a close bond. He loves her. He really loves her. You’ll see in the video that he recognizes her right away and so excited that she’s there. He jumps up and wraps his paws around her neck and kisses her! He is actually hugging her. He acts more affectionate than some domestic cats out there! You’ve just got to see the love!


  1. Yup.. ini beneran dan bukan HOAX... gile serem liat orang di peluk singa gitu.. ha.ha.ha. anyway... Ganjar aku edit postingnya.. aku tambahin ceritanya ya.. gpp kan? :P :P :P

  2. Ga papa bang jadinya lebih Maknyuuuzzz! :mrgreen:

  3. seremmmm......!! :evil:
    mendingan dipeluk wanita cantiq..wkwk!

    makyussss pemirsa! :mrgreen:

  4. hairy man :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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