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Love Story


  1. jadi punya peliharaan ikan hiu gt? yg laen mah melihara doggy ini mah piaraanya gaya..wakaka.. terus kenapa di gambar terakhir ada tulisan saving my live ya?

  2. Kan ada ceritanya Wil diatas..jadi si Nelayan ini lagi ngejaring ikan..trs si ikan hiu kejaring nah ama si nelayan dibebasin ikan hiunya.. Si ikan hiu merasa terharu.. jadi merasa berhutang budi atau cinta pa pandangan pertama kali ya.. ya dia ngikutin trs si Nelayan pergi.. begitu WiL :D

  3. Keren pisan euy... 8O 8O 8O 8O

  4. oh gitu..sori2 gak nyimak.. lebih enak kalo diterjemahin.. hauaau.. mungkin itu ikan jelmaan dari tuan puteri, ntar kalo dicium dia jadi orang .. wakakak..

  5. eh ini beneran yah ato boongan doank seh?
    klo beneran seh keren abis....dan mengubah citra hiu..hahahha

  6. Sayang-nya ternyata boongan (hoax) tuh... aku dapet dari

    However, the story is entirely untrue. I contacted "Le magazine des voyages de pêche", the French publication mentioned in the message, to enquire about the origin of the story. According to a spokesperson from the magazine, the "Shark Love Story" was published in the magazine two years ago as an April Fools joke. Apparently the joke story escaped the confines of the magazine and began circulating, first in French and later in the English version included here.

    In fact, all the photographs used in the presentation were taken by South African marine biologists and shark experts, Michael C. Scholl and Thomas P. Peschak and have nothing whatsoever to do with an affectionate shark and a kind Australian fisherman.

    The first photograph of a man in a kayak being followed by a shark was featured in the September 2005 issue of Africa Geographic. The kayaker photograph has become quite famous and began circulating in an entirely different context long before this slideshow made its appearance.

    Other photographs in the slideshow are included on the White Shark Trust website and in other publications. Not all the featured photographs depict the same shark. And, although the man does reach out and touch a shark in some of the photographs, this is simply a situational action and should not be misconstrued as some manner of mutual affection. While a man may feel a genuine affection and respect for the great finned ones, a shark is simply not biologically equipped to reciprocate such feelings.

  7. Wadooeh hoax toh ternyata... :roll:

  8. wakakaka.. brarti bukan tuan puteri yang menjela jadi hiu donk? wakakka.


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