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Showing posts from May, 2010

Display Myths Shattered: Maybe Sharp Should've Consulted Mr. Spock Instead Part 5/5

Reblogged from MaximumPC Posted 05/18/10 at 06:03:33 PM by Dr. Raymond Soneira By now, you’ve surely seen ads for Sharp’s Quattron four-color technology. George “Mr. Sulu” Takei dons a lab coat, and fawns over Sharp’s introduction of a yellow primary-color sub-pixel to the traditional three-sub-pixel, RGB primary-color arrangement. According to Sharp, this results in “expanding the color gamut and faithfully rendering nearly all colors that can be discerned with the unaided human eye, especially golden yellow.” If you have read this far, you already know that Quattron is just another shameful marketing gimmick. HDTV television and movie content is produced and color-balanced on three-color displays that are accurately calibrated to Rec.709. Sharp’s fourth primary color is yellow, and there isn’t anything for it to do because yellow is already being accurately reproduced with mixtures of the existing red and green primaries. More importantly, a Quattron display can’t show colors that

Display Myths Shattered: Color Gamut or Marketing Gambit? Part 4/5

Reblogged from MaximumPC Posted 05/18/10 at 06:03:33 PM by Dr. Raymond Soneira Color gamut, which is the range of colors that a display can produce, is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and exploited spec—precisely because it’s natural to believe that the range should be as large as possible. While that’s true for most specs (even when they’re exaggerated), it’s definitely not the case for the color gamut. The color gamut that you want on all of your PC monitors, laptops, HDTVs, and even smartphones is the same color gamut that was used when the content you’re viewing was created. If a different gamut is employed, you’ll see different colors than you’re supposed to see. Virtually all consumer content is created using industry standards that specify the exact color gamut to be used. For computers and digital cameras it’s sRGB. For digital HDTVs, it’s called ITU-R BT.709 (often referred to as Rec.709). Fortunately, both of these standards specify the same exact gamut. Yes, there are

Display Myths Shattered: Response Times: How Fast Is Fast Enough? Part 3/5

Reblogged from MaximumPC Posted 05/18/10 at 06:03:33 PM by Dr. Raymond Soneira All displays show artifacts of one sort or another when their screen images change rapidly. It’s most easily detected with moving objects, or when the entire screen moves due to camera panning. In many cases, it’s not the fault of the display. Rather, it arises somewhere in the signal path from the source, which can be caused by camera blur, interlaced scanning, MPEG compression artifacts, poor video processing, insufficient bandwidth, or insufficient CPU speed in the case of games. Further confusing matters, artifacts can occur for different reasons with CRT, LCD, LCoS, plasma, and DLP technologies. It can even occur with OLEDs, if switching speeds aren’t sufficiently high. But when people discuss motion artifacts, they are generally talking about LCD response time. And not surprisingly, the manufacturers’ published specs for response time have become one of the major deciding issues for many consumers. A

Terjerat Kejahatan Sendiri

Terjerat KejahatanSendiri Bacaan hari ini: Ester 7:1-10 Ayat mas hari ini: Amsal 5:22, BIS Bacaan Alkitab Setahun: 1 Tawarikh 28-29; Yohanes 9:24-41 Kompas, 16 Januari 2010, memuat berita tentang pemalsu uang yang tertangkap di Kuala Lumpur. Pria ini tertangkap setelah memberi tip selembar uang 500 dolar AS (senilai 4,6 juta) pada pelayan hotel. Pelayan hotel yang merasa beruntung segera menukarkan uang itu. Akhirnya, si penukar uang segera memanggil polisi untuk menangkap sang pemberi tip. Sebab, pecahan tertinggi dolar AS adalah 100, bukan 500! Dari pria itu, polisi menemukan uang palsu senilai 66 juta dolar! “Dosa orang jahat bagaikan perangkap yang menjerat orang itu sendiri,” demikian peringatan Amsal 5:22, dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari (BIS). Tak selamanya korban kejahatan adalah orang lain. Ada saat di mana kejahatan menjerat pelakunya sendiri. Mengapa? Karena dalam tindak kejahatan tersimpan benih penghancuran diri pelakunya. Sejenak, pelaku keja

Cara Import Data dari File Excel ke Power Pivot Window

Bagaimana cara import data dari file Excel ke Power Pivot Window supaya dapat di olah? langkahnya sangat mudah, silakan ikuti step by step ini: Langkah1 Bukalah Microsoft Excel 2010 anda Langkah 2 Setelah Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel terbuka, click tab Power Pivot

Gabung & Dapet $10 per menit

[caption id="attachment_9955" align="alignleft" width="825" caption=""] [/caption] Nah ini nih yang paling gede untuk urusan bisnis online. Gabung dan dapatkan $ 40 perhari. Klik ke link ini : Read the rest of this entry → Baru gabung 5 menit account gue udah segini nih : $40 

Display Myths Shattered: Contrast Ratio, Ad Absurdum Part 2/5

Reblogged from MaximumPC Posted 05/18/10 at 06:03:33 PM by Dr. Raymond Soneira Both manufacturers and consumers are obsessed with contrast ratios. Because many people choose the model with the highest number, manufacturers have developed new contrast ratio specs to win at this game. It’s a sordid business, but deserves exposure, so let’s jump in. When Contrast Ratio Actually Matters 


Belajar pada Murai Bacaan hari ini: Matius 6:25-34 Ayat mas hari ini: Matius 6:26 Bacaan Alkitab Setahun: 1 Tawarikh 25-27; Yohanes 9:1-23 Burung-burung yang beterbangan secara liar memang tidak menabur dan menuai. Namun, pemeliharaan Tuhan terus mereka alami, sebab mereka bekerja keras sepanjang hari. Sebuah penelitian terhadap aktivitas kehidupan burung menemukan fakta bahwa burung murai, sebagai contoh, setiap hari bangun dini hari pukul 2.30 dan mencari makan hingga larut pukul 21.30. Jadi, setiap hari mereka bekerja selama 19 jam. Tak cuma itu. Burung murai bolak-balik ke sarangnya hingga sekitar 200 kali sehari, demi memberi makan anak-anaknya.

Cara Instalasi Power Pivot

Langkah 1. Pastikan anda telah menginstallkan Microsoft Office 2010 pada komputer anda, kemudian Download Power Pivot di link ini : Pilih sesuai dengan versi Microsoft Office anda, apabila anda menggunakan Microsoft Office 2010 32 Bit, maka downloadlah Power Pivot for Excel 32 Bit, begitu juga sebaliknya, apabila anda menggunakan Microsoft Office 64 Bit, maka downloadlah Power Pivot for Excel  64 bit. Langkah 2. Silakan running file yang telah anda download, kemudian click tombol next . Langkah 3

Ada masalah sama Saya ?? Ngomong langsung !! Saya gak akan marah.. tapi kalo ngomong lewat orang laen.. Fuck You !

Ha.ha.ha. itu status Facebook aku Sabtu kemaren... karena ada teman aku yang komplen waktu aku sharing2 foto pre-wed mereka..

Display Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs Part 1/5

Reblogged from MaximumPC Posted 05/18/10 at 06:03:33 PM by  Dr. Raymond Soneira Take everything you think you know about displays and throw it out the window. It's time for a clinic on what display specs really mean—brace yourself for the alarming truth Vision is our most amazing and complex sense, so it’s no surprise that display technology is so amazing and complicated. It’s also no surprise that most consumers don’t have a good understanding of how displays function, or the best way to select them, buy them, use them, and adjust them. Not only are displays getting more complicated and harder to understand, but the competition between manufacturers has gotten so brutal that marketing gimmicks—ploys that exploit the average consumer’s technical ignorance—are playing an increasing role in driving sales. The goal of this article is to point out and explain some of the most important myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings about display technology. Much of what you’re going to

Pengenalan Power Pivot for Excel

Power pivot for Excel adalah sebuah add-in SQL Server 2008 R2 analysis service yang ditambahkan ke Microsoft Excel Sehingga Microsoft Excel dapat memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan proses Business Intelligence dengan lebih mudah dan cepat , Power Pivot for Excel sangat berguna untuk melakukan analisa data-data pada perusahaan anda. Mungkin anda termasuk salah satu dari orang-orang yang memiliki masalah terhadap bentuk atau format file data yang Tersedia; misalnya: Data Penjualan (Sales) berada didalam format file .XLSX / Microsoft Excel Data Master Barang ada dalam format .MDB / Microsoft Access, dan Data pengiriman (shipping) ada di dalam database SQL Server. Kemudian anda hanya memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan Microsoft Excel , tapi anda ingin meringkas seluruh data yang ada kedalam satu laporan jadi yang dapat dibaca dengan mudah . Nah, Power Pivot for Excel ini adalah solusi untuk anda supaya kerumitan proses tersebut tidak akan anda alami . Melakukan Process Business I

Trace Precedents pada Excel

Pernahkah anda dipusingkan oleh rumus pada Microsoft Excel yang saling bertautan di banyak cell? Apabila anda ingin melakukan audit terhadap rumus itu, bagaimana caranya supaya mudah dan cepat melihat cell mana saja yang terlibat didalam rumus itu? Ok, saya akan coba untuk membahas salah satu fitur yang bagus tapi setahu saya jarang digunakan para penggunanya..:) Fitur ini bernama Trace Precedents, fitur ini ada di tab Formulas dan di bagian Formula Auditing (anda bisa lihat dalam gambar dibawah ini) Bagaimana Cara Menggunakannya? Mudah Sekali, saya beri contoh dengan data dibawah ini (data nya simple saja, kalau malas ngetik boleh download disini ) nah saya ingin mengetahui cell mana saja yang terlibat didalam nilai yang berada di kolom "total"  (cell I4 sampai dengan cell I11). Caranya sangat mudah, coba anda arahkan pointer ke (misalnya) cell I11, kira-kira mana ya cell yang terlibat sehingga muncul angka sejumlah Rp. 179.800,00 ?

Memberi Password pada USB

Nah kadang-kadang kita maen colok aja USB ke komputer mana aja, gawatnyah tuh virus bisa masuk, data bisa kesedot , atau ada org iseng yang pengen baca isi USB kita tanpa kita ketahui. Tenang kawan saya telah menyiapkan proteksi untuk USB dengan memberi password pada USB yang kita miliki, sehingga hanya kita sendiri yang bisa membuka USB tersebut. Silakan download file tersebut di bawah ini :

Slicer pada Pivot Table Microsoft Excel 2010

Fitur baru yang ada di Excel 2010 adalah Slicer, Slicer sangat berguna untuk menyaring data yang ada pada pivot table. Bentuk dari Slicer adalah tombol, tombol ini dengan cepat dapat melakukan segmentasi data yang ada di pivot table anda, menampilkan hanya yang ingin anda lihat. Oke, tidak perlu banyak basa-basi lagi, mari kita coba praktekkan kekuatan dari slicer ini Pada postingan saya sebelumnya, saya sudah membahas bagaimana cara membangun sebuah pivot table, file latihan dari slicer ini bisa anda download disini . Coba buka file latihan, kemudian click badan pivot table tersebut, Setelah itu click tombol Slicer yang ada pada ribbon bar di atas.

Miss U.S.A. The Pole Dancer

Reblogged from Mail Online By  MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE Last updated at 12:51 AM on 19th May 2010 She was hailed as the shining example of the American dream, a Lebanese-born woman who became the first Muslim Miss U.S.A. Marketing executive Rima Fakih, 24, beat 50 other contestants to win the beauty pageant in Las Vegas. But her victory was already becoming tarnished last night by revelations that she won a pole dancing contest at a strip club in Detroit in 2007. Shaking her thang: Miss Fakih is seen sliding up and down a stripper's pole in a blue tank top, hot pants and high heels in the strip club contest

Robin Hood – 2010 – Russel Crowe

Robin Hood 2010 CAM XVID-PrisM CAM | English | 2h 7mn | 720x288 | XviD 1394 kbps | MP3 128 kbps | 1.24 GB Genre: Action | Dramar Silakan Download link di bawah ini:

Pivot Table pada Microsoft Excel

From Luki Ishwara's journal Sebuah Pivot Table sangat berguna untuk menyimpulkan, menganalisa, mengeksplorasi dan menyajikan data yang mudah dibaca dan di mengerti. Apa itu Pivot Table ? Pivot Table adalah fitur dari Microsoft Excel yang sangat memudahkan dalam merangkum sejumlah besar data. Biasanya Pivot Table digunakan untuk menganalisa data numerik secara rinci , dari sini anda akan mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang biasanya tidak terduga dari data anda . Biasanya Pivot Table digunakan untuk: Melakukan Query sejumlah besar data dengan cara yang mudah. Proses Kalkulasi subtotal dan menjumlahkan data numerik, meringkas data dengan sebuah kategori dan subkategori, serta membuat perhitungan dengan formula dan rumusan yang anda buat sendiri. Memperluas dan mempersempit tingkatan tampilan data yang berguna untuk fokus terhadap apa yang ingin anda cari, dan menampilkan secara detil dari ringkasan data (yang menjadi titik fokus perhatian anda) Melihat data

Membongkar Gurita Cikeas

Inilah buku fenomenal tahun ini dimana dengan Judul Membongkar Gurita Cikeas (di Balik Skandal Bank Century) yang dikarang oleh George Junus Aditjondro. Silakan Download di link bawah ini :

MacGruber (Rogue Pictures)

MacGruber Website Only one American hero has earned the rank of Green Beret, Navy SEAL and Army Ranger. Just one operative has been awarded 16 purple hearts, 3 Congressional Medals of Honor and 7 presidential medals of bravery. And only one guy is man enough to still sport a mullet. In 2010, Will Forte brings Saturday Night Live's clueless soldier of fortune to the big screen in the action comedy MacGruber. In the 10 years since his fiancée was killed, special op MacGruber has sworn off a life of fighting crime with his bare hands. But when he learns that his country needs him to find a nuclear warhead that's been stolen by his sworn enemy, Dieter Von Cunth (Val Kilmer), MacGruber figures he's the only one tough enough for the job. Assembling an elite team of experts—Lt. Dixon Piper (Ryan Phillippe) and Vicki St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig)—MacGruber will navigate an army of assassins to hunt down Cunth and bring him to justice. His methods may be unorthodox. His crime scenes may

KamaSutra step by step

Ebook ini memandu pasangan dewasa untuk lebih mengerti keinginan pasangannya. Banyak hal terselubung dari mitos India ini yang belum sepenuhnya dimengerti oleh kaum awam dan pasangan muda. Panduan ini meliputi  step-by-step dan disertai pula dengan gambarnya. Inti dari Ebook ini adalah memandu Anda untuk lebih mencintai dan menghormati pasangan masing2, karena sex mengungkapkan manifesto dari seni bercinta setiap insan manusia.

Shrek Forever After (DreamWorks Animation)

Microsoft gives Hotmail a major makeover

Reblogged from Mail Online By  DAILY MAIL REPORTER Last updated at 6:22 PM on 18th May 2010 Microsoft have given their popular free email service Hotmail a thorough spring clean. The upgrade, expected in July, is an attempt by the software giant to get the edge over rival offerings from Yahoo and Google. Although Hotmail remains the world's biggest email provider with 360million members sending eight billion messages a day, Microsoft fear it could fall out of favour with the rapid progress of social networking. Some content will be viewable on the email inbox window

Free iPad Gratisss!! Daftar Sekarang - Waktu Terbatas !!

Syarat & Ketentuan: - Klik ke link ini ,daftar/isi form secara lengkap dan login dengan username dan password yang diberikan (bisa dalam sms/email) , klik menu "iPad promo" yang ada di menu sidebar (kiri bawah halaman) .. click read me more for detail  ...

Can't you just love me for who I am?

One evening last week, my wife and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." I said "WHAT????!!! What was that?!" So she says the words that every husband on the planet dreads to hear..."You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man." She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?" Realising that nothing was going to happen that night I went to sleep.

Pre-Wedding Imelda & Jimmy

See it First in Blog The Conference !!

The extraordinary scans that reveal what being fat does to you

Reblogged from Mail Online , written by Victoria Lambert Carrying extra pounds may not look attractive from the outside, but it's been difficult to understand precisely the havoc it wreaks on your insides - until now. Here, in a pair of astonishing pictures, we can see exactly what being overweight does to the organs, bones and muscles. These images of two women were taken by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRIRI) scanner and reveal in horrifying detail the obesity effect. The woman on the left weighs just over 17 ½st (111 kg) , the one on the right just under 8 ½st (54 kg). Their muscles (shown in red), bones (white), organs (black) and fat (yellow) are all clearly defined. Spot the difference: The obese woman on the left  has fat around her organs (shown by the yellow areas) and an enlarged heart which can have dire consequences on her health As well as the fat sitting just under the skin (the fat you can pinch), these images reveal the fat inside the body wrapped around the organ

Just Wright (Fox Searchlight)

Just Wright

Sparkline pada Microsoft Excel 2010

Apa itu Sparkline ? Sparkline adalah sebuah chart kecil yang berada di dalam cell yang mampu menyediakan representasi data secara visual . Sparkline berguna untuk menunjukkan trends pada sebuah rangkaian nilai (atau data), misalnya pada bulan apa omset di toko saya naik, titik maksimum dan titik minimum dapat di highlight sehingga terlihat di titik mana omset naik dan di titik mana omset turun. Hal ini sangat mempermudah pihak manajemen yang tidak terlalu menyukai melihat angka-angka untuk melihat pergerakan dari penjualan. Tidak sama pada chart yang ada di microsoft excel, Sparkline bukanlah sebuah object , sparkline sebenarnya adalah chart mini yang ada di background sebuah cell.

ALERT: “SEE VVHO HAS VIEVVED YOU” Is Another Facebook Scam

Reblogged from : All Facebook Posted by Ellie Cachette Another scammer appears to be successfully exploiting users once again. Despite Facebook’s attempts to block it, spam is still spreading fast. Application virality might be dying but having an app or page with the sole purpose of crawling your friends list is still well alive. A few hours ago a Page called “SEE VVHO HAS VIEVVED YOU” has spread to 39,425 and is growing at the pace of 1,000 users a minute.


Hooahhh(nguap) .... Bingung bangun pagi2 ga tau mau ngapain ? kepagian nih ... mama & nenek masih pada bobo. Mereka kurang tidur kali yah gara2 aku? hmm.. pengen keluar kamar, cuma kalo nangis terus nti kasian mereka berdua, tunggu aja deh ....... boring juga maenin boneka winnie the pooh ma ayunan, ini apa yah adaa di baju ku (label) ... wah maenan baru ...... pegang ... tarikk............

Letters to Juliet (Summit Entertainment)

Letters to Juliet Website

Wedding William & Windy at Grand Eastern Resto

  Setelah instrument lagu “Loving You” dengan saxophone dibawakan oleh Willy Music Entertainment, Ivan selaku MC membuka acara dengan mempersilahkan orang tua terlebih dahulu masuk ke panggung pelaminan. Acara prosesi masuk diawali dengan nyanyian yang dibawakan sendiri oleh sang mempelai pria yang berada di panggung pelaminan dengan lagu When God Made You diiringi secara live oleh Willy Music Entertainment.

Robin Hood (Universal Pictures)

Robin Hood Website Oscar winner Russell Crowe stars as the legendary figure known by generations as Robin Hood, whose exploits have endured in popular mythology and ignited the imagination of those who share his spirit of adventure and righteousness. In 13th century England, Robin and his band of marauders confront corruption in a local village and lead an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of world power. And whether thief or hero, one man from humble beginnings will become an eternal symbol of freedom for his people. Robin Hood chronicles the life of an expert archer, previously interested only in self-preservation, from his service in King Richards army against the French. Upon Richards death, Robin travels to Nottingham, a town suffering from the corruption of a despotic sheriff and crippling taxation, where he falls for the spirited widow Lady Marian (Oscar winner Cate Blanchett), a woman skeptical of the identity and motivations of this crusader from t

What happens next to Harry Potter ?

Exclusive: Author gives details on events after the book’s final epilogue It was July 26, 2007, J.K. Rowling was asked what happens next to Harry Potter after Deathly Hallows by TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Reblogged from If you found the epilogue of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” rather vague, then J.K. Rowling achieved her goal. The author was shooting for “nebulous,” something “poetic.” She wanted the readers to feel as if they were looking at Platform 9¾ through the mist, unable to make out exactly who was there and who was not. “I do, of course, have that information for you, should you require it,” she told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira rather coyly in her first interview since fans got their hands on the final book. Ummm … yes, please!

Rumus Rahasia Rubic (update: Link)

Aneh nih maenan dari dulu nyita perhatian orang2 dari berbagai generasi dan berbagai kalangan, tiap berapa tahun selalu menjadi mainan yg ga pernah bosen2 untuk anak2, orang dewasa, wanita, pria, waria, orang normal, yang handycap  memainkan rubic ini. Kemaren pas di rumah ponakan eh ada nih barang di meja, iseng2 coba2 tetep ada lelet ga bisa2. Untungnya ada internet semua informasi ada, nemu deh artikel2 cara maen, tips and tricksnya. Untuk tahu Rahasia cara maen  RUBIC ini , Silakan download di link bawah ini : password :

Sri Mulyani batal ke World Bank !

The Japanese Ninja Dress

Reblogged from Mail Online If you like to blend in when it comes to fashion, then this is the skirt for you. A Japanese designer has unveiled a garment that doubles as a disguise, unfolding to look like the front of a vending machine. It may look decidedly silly, but Aya Tsukioka's idea has a serious aim. Miss Tsukioka, 31, says she hopes it will help ease women's fear of crime and discourage would-be attackers. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="634" caption="Spot the fashion: A Japanese man walks right by the model in the dress"] [/caption]

Babies (Focus Features)

Wallpaper Ocean_Full

Ini semua gara2 Bos Mocona, upload poster "OCEAN"  yang keren banget ...cuma sayang ga ada wallpapernya (udah cari kemana2) yang full screen 1024 x 768 yah iseng2 aja ini make edit tool bikin yang full untuk rekan2. Ini hasilnya kurang lebih ..... ( kalo masih kurang nambah sendiri aja yah ) yah sekedar ide bisa aja tambah ikan-ikan lain atau kasih yg nyelam atau kapal selam atau juga pempek kapal selem ( terserah deh :)) Untuk ukuran sebenarnya, Silakan download di link bawah ini : password :

That's Not Cool ! Your cell phone, IM, and social networks are all a digital extension of who you are. When someone you're with pressures you or disrespects you in those places, that's not cool. is attempting to raise awareness about digital dating abuse and stop it before it gets worse. Addressing new and complicated problems between people who are dating or hooking up, like constant and controlling texting, pressuring for nude pictures and breaking into someones e-mail or social networking page. Give and get advice. See someones story. Or tell your own at .

Pipis oh pipis...... ^o^

Kemaren, pulang kantor masih jam 6sore. seperti biasa, ritual mau pulang pipis dulu. Pas ditengah jalan kok masih pengen pipis ya? tahan aja deh, udah deket. Di jalan noh, itu pipis ga sopan. Semakin menjadi-jadi. Aduh... di depan ada apaan noh? Yoolohhhh MACET migott..... wot hepen... lama banget ada kali 10 menit. (untuk ukuran pengen pipis itu lama banget right????) Saat dijalan itu gw lagi di temenin ama imel by phone. ^ ^ *tengs imel.... Saran imel gw cari restoran, beli es jeruk, numpang pipis, perkiraan es jeruk 7-8rb parkir 2rb jadi ceban. Gw misuh2 " MAHALLLLLLL! pipis kok mahal, yang ada juga ceceng." mana kaga ada restoran, yang ada apotek, Beli pempers aja kali ya? yang buat manula..