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Showing posts from December, 2009

Flash Back

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="585" caption="si William, beberapa tahun yg lalu"] [/caption]

Gaming in 20 Years Time

Crazy Russian Jump !

Two Russian traceurs in Saint Petersburg made an incredible jump from a nine-story building (35 feet high) to land on mattresses of the five-storey building roof (22 feet high).

melukis pake alat kelamin. walahhhh...

kalian tau kan melukis? melukis biasanya pake kuas. tapi apa yang dilakukan pria ini sungguh mencengangkan. apa komentar kalian?  termasuk  parno ato senikah ... wkwk! kalo disini..  pasti diciduk apa FPI. wkwkk

Tips for Single Ladies (1938)

Actor at their best pose

Yoga Cat 2010 Calendar

By  DAILY MAIL REPORTER Last updated at 2:09 PM on 21st December 2009 Stretching into impossible poses these photogenic felines could be the most relaxed cats of all time. The aptly named Yoga Cats feature in a 2010 calendar that is sure to claw its way into the affections of animal lovers everywhere. Created by professional photographer Dan Borris and his wife Alejandra, the calendar combines real photographs with a whisker of Photoshop magic. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="634" caption="Calendar cats: The Yoga-practising felines feature in a 2010 calendar that is sure to claw its way into the affections of animal lovers everywhere"] [/caption]  

Happy Mothers Day

Motivational Poster

Proposal Caught on Film

Mau ke Mexico ?

New Word: Sexting !

15 percent of teens have gotten 'sext' messages Sending explicit content, such as naked or near-naked photos, via text message--a phenomenon also known as "sexting"--is a familiar phenomenon among some teens, according to  survey results released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. The survey, conducted from June 26 to September 24 with the participation of 800 teenagers, is part of the research center's Internet and American Life Project, which tracks the effect of the Internet on American life. It found that 4 percent of cell-owning teens ages 12 to 17 say they've sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images of themselves to someone else via text. Fifteen percent say they have received such material. Older teens, especially those who foot their own cell phone bills, are much more likely to send and receive these images. While 8 percent of 17-year-olds with cell phones have sent a sexually provocative image by text, this number goes up to 17 percent a...

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