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Herpes !!

Yeah yeah... ini Natal... yuk kita ngobrol yg serius :) tadi baru saja baca topik soal Herpes.. gmn menurut pendapat temen2?

I just got Herpes from my girlfriend about 3 months ago. Had the standard run-of-the mill std check. I later discovered that this does NOT include a check for herpes, so that's one lesson learned way too fucking late.
Things are looking pretty awesome with my current, never been with anyone like her. Its probably got a long timeframe, but I'm young and will probably date again. I haven't had to face the reality of using my game post-relationship yet. Admittedly, I have some fear of going outside of my current situation due to fear of herpes rejection.
On one hand. I feel that I should just not tell anybody. The guy that gave it to my girlfriend didn't tell her (She got it after about a year and a half of unprotected sex). So why do I have to be that guy that fucks up my chances? Should I just take it like a sucker from some anonymous douchebag? I could always just pretend I didn't know I have it and say I was asymptomatic (which I am thus far). Also, the chance of contracting it after ONE encounter, like during a one-night stand, is so tiny that it leaves the temptation to omit telling them. I was stupid enough to catch it because I waxed down there and then had sex. The open skin wounds made contracting it a cynch.
On the other hand, I wouldn't want to hurt some girl for no reason other than protecting my ego. I'm fairly strong mentally and was able to deal with the physical pain and emotional pain with ease. But I know that some girl who doesn't have these qualities may let it affect her quite strongly and cause her relationship problems in the future. Also, I'd hate to give it to some guy down the road under circumstances similar to how I got it.
Ultimately, OP, I think the main thing you need to consider is what is the OBJECTIVE of your game? Is the goal of your game to nail as many girls as possible? If that is the case, I can understand your desire to keep it a secret. I do think though that it should be strictly one nighters, condoms, suppresive therapy, don't be too rough/friction etc. Do everything in your power to protect them and you should be sweet. That's up to your moral code though. If you do give it to a girl.....I dunno, tattoo her name on your ass and say sorry. If she wants something serious, come clean.
Personally, I would suggest total disclosure. I'm going to be totally honest, even for my one-nighters during my first few attempted f-closes after this relationship. I will adjust my results from there. If I'm getting rejected on this one issue repeatedly then I may just throw up my hands and say "fuck it".
The stigma attached to this shit is so fucking hysterical, (and the internet toughguys on reddit further it with their bullshit), the irony is that these people contribute to its spread by giving this aura of fear. I'm gonna try and do the right thing by the world after this and let people know I have it. But not only do I understand people not disclosing their status, I sympathise with it.
I'm very new to it all, so a part of this post was me simply thinking out loud. My actions on the night may be very different. Regardless, you're not alone. How long have you had it? How has it affected your game so far?

Did your girl tell you that she has the herp before you slept together?

She didn't know she had it. Asymptomatic for four years. I don't blame her

Wew.. 4 tahun tanpa gejala..


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