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Togetherville (Facebook for YOUR kids)

Jangan daftarkan anak-anak Anda ke Facebook ! Kini Togetherville menawarkan Social Networking yang aman bagi anak Anda. Para orang tua bisa mengawasi dengan siapa saja anak bersosialisasi, bermain dengan anak-anak mereka, ngobrol dengan sesama orang tua.

Parent Verification
Only Parents (or legal guardians) who have gone through the process of verifying their identity based on COPPA standards, are allowed to create and administer accounts for their children.
Real People You Know and Trust
You select the trusted Facebook friends and their kids to create your child's safe and secure online neighborhood. There is no possibility of anonymous users.
Kid-Safe Communication
Drop-down pre-set messaging, moderated commenting, no private chat, no uploads. Parents can see all activity in real time on the child’s wall.
Kids are not searchable or discoverable. Parents choose who has access to their child’s wall inside Togetherville and what they share on their own Facebook wall.
Parents Control Friends List
You build your kid's real world neighborhood of family and friends using Facebook.
Want to know the most effective way to keep your child safe online? Get involved. Real kids need real grownups to guide the way for online safety. In Togetherville, you don't just manage your kid's profile - you play, communicate, and share with them. Join today!


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