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20 Simple Questions

A Berkshire rabbi has come up with a reliable conclusion from just 20 simple questions to reduce the odds of divorce among those he marries to 16-1. Considering that one in three marriages ends in divorce after just 15 years, his formula could well hold the answer to finding – and keeping – true love. Based on Dr Romain’s 12 years of preparing couples for married life, he now interviews all prospective husbands and wives with his test.

‘I ask people to fill in the question sheets without consulting each other and then get them to compare the answers,’ he said. ‘Sometimes this results in squeals of delight at being spot on, other times groans at getting it wrong. ‘But just as important are the “don’t knows” which are not necessarily a sign that they are incompatible, but that they don’t know each other sufficiently well.’

Dr Romain added: ‘Marriage is primarily about second-guessing how suitable the person will be in the future. ‘I once advised a couple to rethink their plans as they did very badly on the test, but they insisted everything was OK. ‘It was a very short-lived union… I think they had fallen in love with the idea of marriage but not with each other.’


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