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Back the Fuck UP !

You see, this way, he learns from experience.
"Ok, so when I run at animals, they will likely fuck me up. Not gonna run at animals anymore."

My roommate and I were walking across campus at night and noticed two foreign (asian) students walking up to a pair of raccoon like they were going to pet it.
We looked at each other and said, " might not want to do that."
Perhaps they don't have vicious small animals that look cute in asia?

Uh, have you ever heard of Pikachu?

We rented a cabin in TN. I was grilling outside when this goddamn gang of raccoons came at me. Growing up in Michigan, I've seen some big ass dogs rumble with a coon and I wanted nothing to do with that shit. And these were at least as big as the shetland pony sized coons up North. I froze for a second, threw the spatula in the air, tripped over the grill and scrambled inside. My wife says wtf? I point outside and she just sits there for a minute fawning over them. She grabs some marshmallows, walks outside, and starts feeding them like it's nothing. That was our honeymoon.

From Ohio living in TN, as well. My fiancee is from here and does the same sort of thing with raccoons. I don't know what it is down here, but you don't mess with raccoons up in the north country!

I learned this lesson when was about eight years old and found a water rat in my backyard. It looked cute... a visit to urgent care later and spending the night with my hand wrapped with some kind epsom salts compress, I didn't think it was so cute...

RetroPRO 8
I swear I heard somewhere that Kangaroos will drown other animals by holding their head underwater. It may have been plotting that child's death

I didn't believe you...
so I wiki'd it...
Motherfuckers. Will. Drown. You.
I now hate kangaroos, thanks.



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