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People who look exactly the same in all pictures

Do you remember the video with a girl who has the same pose on all her pictures? Well, I thought it was a one in a million case, but there are plenty of people who do this. O_o It seems that they think there’s only one side which looks good )
You can look through the photo album of your friends, maybe you'll notice the same thing winked

People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs)
People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs)
People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs)
People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs)
People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs)


  1. Paris Hilton juga termasuk? hahahaahhh baru tau ... Berarti, gua kudu cari nih..... pose mana yang paling ok, biar keliatan keren terus kalo di foto hahahahhahh... Pr baru tiap ngaca.. ^_^'

  2. Ha.ha.ha. sog atuh Sucing.. kasih pose yg bagus ya.. nanti kita movie-in kayak contoh di atas.. :P

  3. geleuh ih itu co yg paling bawah..meni serem gitu...wkwkwkwk

  4. ca, yang cowok paling bawah, cuman alisnya doang, yah yang naek sebelah.. wkwkwkwk.. antiqueeee pisan

    Cewek yang belah atasnya juga serem gituh, matanya mani bolohok kitu... wkwkwkkw.. untung idungnya masih sama panjangnya. Kalo udah dioperasi, meureun si idungnya juga gerak-gerak panjang penek panjang pendek.. hihihihi


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