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CHDK - Canon Hacker's Development Kit

"Jadikan camera canon pocket Anda menjadi camera proffesional, gratis!"

Mungkin itu tagline yg tepat untuk posting ini. Bagi yang punya kamera canon compact, bisa di maksimumkan fungsinya tanpa merusak dan tanpa melanggar garansi.

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What is CHDK?

CHDK is not just one thing! The term CHDK refers to free software – currently available for many (but not all) Canon PowerShot compact digital cameras – that you can load onto your camera's memory card to give your camera greatly enhanced capabilities.

What extra capabilities does CHDK provide?

The current set of extra capabilities fall into six categories:
a. Enhanced ways of recording images - you can capture still pictures in RAW format (as well as JPEG), and for video images you can have increased recording time and length (1 hour or 2 GB), and a greatly increased range of compression options.
b. Additional data displays on the LCD screen - histogram, battery life indicator, depth of field, and many more.
c. Additional photographic settings that are not available on the camera by itself - longer exposure times (up to 65 seconds), faster shutter speeds (1/25,000 sec, and faster in some cases), automatic bracketing of exposure, etc.
d. The ability for the camera to run programs ('scripts', written in a micro-version of the BASIC language) stored on the memory card - these programs allow you to set the camera to perform a sequence of operations under the control of the program. For example, a camera can be programmed to take multiple pictures for focus bracketing, or take a picture when it detects that something in the field of view moves or changes brightness.
e. The ability to take a picture, or start a program on the memory card, by sending a signal into the USB port - you can use the USB cable to take a picture remotely.
f. The ability to do a number of other more useful (and fun) things, such as act as a mini file browser for the memory card, let you play games on the LCD screen, etc.


  1. ...menurutku sih mending langsung beli DSLR. Lebih berasa dan lebih bisa berkreasi. CHDK biarpun gratisan tapi kayaknya produk tanggung kalau mau dipakai sih.

    Kebanyakan orang beli compact camera kerana praktis dipakai dan dibawa2x tanpa harus pusingin ngehack lagi. camera compact gak akan bisa jadi sekelas sama prof camera kerana keterbatasan dari segi hardwarenya sih. :wink:


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