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Dear Eric

Aku nemuin surat ini dari di tulis tanggal 9 Februari 2009.. sedih deh

Dear Eric

Please read this with the idea
that ever sending this letter
would make me insane.

So the question is.. Why did I break up with you?

I'll tell you why.
Just promise me, you'll take me back.
and take all my words for granted,
because no matter what I say to you
you're not going to change your mind,
so go ahead.

Tell all your friends.
I only called you a jerk because I couldn’t find
a better reason to break up with you.
But truth is, I called you a jerk because I was scared
confused and hurt. and though you never felt this confusion
before. It hurts, and it was hurting before.
I wasn't sure If I liked you anymore.

My heart had some other arrangements,
and I felt guilty being with you.
Almost like that kid Tony.
But worse, because I still loved you.
I will always love you.

But I didn't know that.
I cried myself to sleep
striving toward him.
and you didn't know.
You never would know.
Unless I tell you.

It was his fault.
He walked inside my life.
I should have told you everything
I broke your heart, and tore mine with it.
It was a mistake.
Knowing that I could never get him.
But it was a bigger mistake
losing you.

Now my heart is broken
When you look at her, like you used to look at me.
When you hug her, like you used to hug me.
When you used to be mine.
When are hearts were full.

I'm sorry.
I guess mistakes can't be fixed.
When your heart has other arrangements.



  1. So there itu website yg mengharubirukan.. gile surat2nya keren2.. coba deh baca..

  2. itu mksdnya isi suratnya apa sih, ko? gak ngerti...


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