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BOA - Vivid

BoA is a multilingual singer, singing in Korean, Japanese, English, and Chinese. She made her debut in 2000 with ID;Peace B at the age of thirteen. After the success, her record company SM Entertainment arranged for BoA to launch her music career in Japan under Avex Trax.

Her Japanese debut LISTEN TO MY HEART debuted at #1 on the Oricon charts. BoA has continued to release many #1 albums in both Korea and Japan. Most recently, she has begun studying Mandarin and has already released one Chinese single.

BoA - Vivid
Release Date: 4/6/2008
Language: Japanese

Artist : BoA
Album : Vivid
Track List :
02.Kissing You
03.Joyful Smile
Download Link : here
password : "upin"

File Name: boa-kissing_you-pv.avi
File Size: 72.98 MB
Source: MTV
Download: ShareOnAll (Rapidshare, Megaupload, Zshare, Badongo, Mediafire)

File Name: boa-sparkling-pv.avi
File Size: 63.05 MB
Source: M-On!
Download: ShareOnAll (Rapidshare, Megaupload, Zshare, Badongo, Mediafire)


  1. Vivid? gw pikir .. nyang ntuh... hue he he :mrgreen:


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