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RapeX - Anti-Rape Condom

RapexRapeX, a very controversial anti-rape device will be available in South Africa next month. Proponents there argue that with South Africa having the highest rate of reported sexual assaults, desperate times call for desperate measures.

According to the product website, this device is available in three sizes and inserts with an applicator much like a tampon. Once correctly inserted it can not be seen. In the event of unwanted penile insertion, the prongs lining the interior of the condom will latch on to the offenders member causing intense pain. The device remains on the assailants penis as he withdraws and can only be safely removed by physicians.

While some call the measure barbaric others feel that is another option that provides a woman time to escape in the event of an assault. Like a condom, this device provides protection against STD's and unwanted pregnancy.


  1. waduh... itu te disesepin ke daerah XXX?
    kayaqnya ga nyaman yak?

  2. hmmm tanya cewek yg udah married deh.. perkiraan aku sih pertama2 pasti gak enakeun.. tapi lama2 sih ya biasa aja kali

  3. wkwkwk.... kebayang kalo jalan!
    ngeganjel kalo bahasa sundanya!

  4. hauhaa.. ngeganjel tapi aman.. atau harusnya dipake kalo pas mao ke tempat2 yg berbahaya aja..di rmh yah harus dilepas, kalo lupa lepas, kasian suami atuh.. :D


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