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The Worlds Largest Privately Owned Yacht - Octopus

In 2003, the launch of Paul Allen's 127m (416ft) "Octopus" secured its number one position as the world's largest yacht.

Microsoft's "accidental billionaire" Paul Allen - worth US$20 billion according to Forbes, the third richest man in America and 7th in the world - owns two other monster yachts such as Tatoosh ranked 3rd in the world in 2003. Octopus is currently the world's eighth largest superyacht.

Octopus cost Allen over US$200 million and has Permanent crew of 60, including several former Navy Seals.

It has two helicopters, seven boats, a 10 man submarine and a remote controlled vehicle for crawling on the Ocean floor. The submarine has the capacity to sleep eight for up to two weeks underwater.

On average, owners must spend a minimum of 10 percent of the purchase price every year to keep these yachts in good working condition and cover crew salaries. Therefore “Octopus” which cost Allen US$200 million requires a US$20 million annual budget.


  1. Wah banyak pisan fotonya hihihi....

  2. Foto yang menarik adalah ketika Octopus berada di tengah2 squid (yacht lain yang jauh lebih kecil ukurannya).

    tapi indah dilihat belum tentu indah ato nyaman dipergunakan. mulai dari biaya operasional yang tinggi dll. (bukan sirik lho...)
    kalau dilihat sepintas sech, yacht ini udah kehilangan "skala ruang"nya, hanya mengejar ukuran yang super besar dengan mengesampingkan efek kenyamanan bagi penggunanya.

    dapat diibaratkan bagaikan membeli sebuah hotel bintang lima dengan berbagai fasilitasnya hanya untuk dijadikan rumah tinggal pribadi.


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