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The Next J.K. Rowling (update: add e-book)

Tadi denger dari CNN, bahwa sekarang lagi tenar tuh buku Twilight ini, telah terbit 3 seri dan baru saja terbit buku ke 4. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse dan terakhir Breaking Dawn... isinya kisah cinta 1 cewek dan vampire. Ini sekilas isinya...

Twilight is the book that started it all!  It was Stephenie's first novel and now adored insanely by fangirls everywhere.  Twilight is the epic tale of Bella Swan, age 17, who has just moved back to her hometown of Forks, the rainiest place in the U.S.  Bella seems to fit in as soon as she gets there...a little too well...but there is one family that ignores her.

But this family, the Cullens, do not just dislike Bella.  These five gorgeous teenagers are adopted by Dr. Carlise Cullen, a rich, young surgeoun.  And apparently, they are too good for everyone else.

Edward Cullen is in one of Bella's classes later that day.  He acts extremely angry (or in pain?) and tries to switch classes.  But you just can't keep them apart.

As Edward rescue danger-magnet Bella from getting hit by a car, she begins to unravel his secrets.  In a sunny meadow they realize they love each other, but Edward wants to drink her blood.  Their relationship takes unexpected turns as Bella falls deeper into the mysteries of Edward's past.

New Moon is the equally intense sequel to Twilight that begins on Bella's 18th birthday.  She is so upset that she is older than the eternally-seventeen Edward that she refuses to even celebrate it.  OF COURSE, though, Alice can't let that happen.

Anyway, one day, Edward and his family dissapears.  Bella sinks into a deep depression, but Jacob Black, a Natuve American boy, helps her recover.

But Bella can't just forget about him.  And soon, her mind is back on him all the time, and not even Jacob, who has been acting weird lately, can help her.  Jacob is becoming something new, something scary...and furry.

So things can't get any worse...right?

Eclipse is the newest addition to the saga of Bella and Edward.  Will their relationship ever be safe?  A slew of murders rages in nearby Seattle, and Edward doesn't think this is the doing of humans.  Meanwhile, Jacob is still denying Bella friendship; with his new werewolf status, he is obliged to hate Edward.

Jacob won't give up on ignoring Bella, even though he wants to be friends.  And is it just her...or is he acting even weirder than ever???  Jacob shows her his tribe and Bella learns their secret,   why they hate the Cullens.

To add even more to Bella's stress, Edward is insisting on paying for college.  College?  How is she supposed to think about college when she's still not one of Edward's kind?

These vampire-murderers haven't forgotten what Edward did to them, either.  The best book yet!


  1. musti nunggu filmnya.. males baca2 buku mah, wakaka..

  2. Filmnya udah mau release bentar lagi Wil 8)

  3. nah gitu aja, gw nonton lah.. males gw baca2an.. hauaha..

  4. waaa... mesti dicari neh bukunya.. hehehe emang filmnya beneran mo release ya?

  5. Aku dah tambahin e-book ya... bisa klik langsung di cover posting ini, atau download di menu download di atas..

  6. Waktu di Indo bln okt-nov kemaren aku liat buku2 ini di gramed sering kali. Kata hati mengatakan "ayo beli, ayo beli"
    tapi takut gak rame. Karena berat2 bawa ke Jerman ehh...ternyata enggak rame, mana beli 3 buku sekalian lagi, da serian. Akhirnya aku GAK BELI!!!
    tapi waktu okt kmrn blm nge trend siah!
    pas aku uda balik ke sini, baru orang2 pada ngomongin. geleuh!
    ko bang, bisa cariin versi terjemahannya? males pisan uy klo baca bhs inggris. e-book pula.hehehehehe..thanks ko bang.

  7. Ha.ha.ha. padahal km liat sendiri kan ini posting bulan berapa Cha? aku kan dah tulis buku ini lagi rame banget di Amrik dan bakal dibuat film-nya.. ha.ha.ha.
    e-book versi indonesia sih kayaknya jangan harep ada Cha... :P

  8. Temans, ada yang udah baca buku2 ini?
    kemaren aku dikirimin paket nih. Buku Twilight and Eclipse. Sebenernya nomor 2 itu yang New Moon ya??


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