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Power of Chinese Herb...

A rich man often went to Bangkok for the night life and before long he contracted sexual disease. So one day, he went to the doctor for a checkup. 

The doctor examine his private part and said, "This is a very severe case. We have no other way but to cut it away. otherwise, it will spread and become worse." 

The businessman was shocked. the last thing he wanted was to have it cut and end his night life. He went to other doctors but all gave the same diagnosis. 

Desperate he thought, "Why don't I consult traditional Chinese medicine. They might have some surprises"

So, the Chinese doctor gave him an examination and the doctor said," We don't have to cut. I'll give you herbs to rub." 

The rich man was so happy. "Wow no operation, you are better than western medicine. I'm amazed, So what is the exact secret?" 

The Chinese doctor said, "Just wait for three days. It will drop by itself."


  1. ha.ha.ha.. gelooo... tapi emang lebih keren daripada operasi... lebih murah kali

  2. wakakakka.. ho oh gelow pisan.. tetep we ilang :P

  3. bwkakakakkakaka.... ilang dah....

  4. ilangnya gak berasa kan baal selama 3 hari. terus coplok sendiri wekekekkk... itulah power of Chinese Herbals..


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