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The moment 652 singletons converged for Britain's largest ever game of Twister

By Daily Mail Reporter

It may not have been the most dignified way of meeting new people, but it was certainly intimate - and it looked like fun.

Hundreds of singletons converged on London's Bloomsbury Ballroom last night for an Eighties party - and to try and break the record for the UK's largest game of Twister.

After much stretching and awkward positioning, and fuelled by bags of retro-style sweets, the record was eventually set with 652 people.

Enlarge Twister

In a twist: More than 600 singles broke the UK record for biggest game of Twister

And after all that intimate tangling up, many guests at the party, which was hosted by, would have been hoping to walk away with a date by the end of the night.

Enlarge Twister

Intimate position: That's one way to get to know people

Enlarge twister

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