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Genre: Drama (Christian Film)

by Samuel Goldwyn Films

Directed by: Alex Kendrick

Runtime: 118 minutes

Kirk Cameron (Caleb Holt), Erin Bethea (Catherine Holt), Ken Bevel (Michael Simmons), Harris Malcom (John Holt), Phyllis Malcom (Cheryl Holt), Blake Bailey (Stephanie Mills), Walter Burnett (Dr. Anderson), Bill Stafford (Mr. Rudolph)

The story : a firefighter named Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron - actor "Growing Pains") whose wife of seven years, Catherine (Erin Bethea), wants a divorce. Caleb is ready to give up on the marriage altogether, but his father, John (Harris Malcom), gives him a book called The Love Dare and challenges him to follow its steps before throwing in the towel. Since Fireproof has been endorsed by a plethora of marriage ministries, you can pretty much guess how things will turn out. But the Kendricks earn their resolution this time; instead of dropping miracles and messages from God on their characters, they keep the story focused on the Holts and driven by the choices that the Holts make. Put simply, it no longer feels like the filmmakers are "cheating."

Relationships are wonderful gifts given to us by God. As we read in the Bible, the most-intimate relationship is marriage between a husband and a wife. Unfortunately, relationships today are under more cultural and interpersonal pressure and stress than ever before in our history.

But it doesnít have to be that way. Together, we can make a long-term difference for healthy relationships and marriages starting with yours!

What can you do to make a difference?


  1. memang di US divorce te pada boleh yah? according to the bible bukannya gak boleh? kumaha atu eta teh? :twisted:

  2. Kalau dua orang yang telah menikah ternyata gak cocok banget gimana Wil? :twisted:

  3. IMHO... gak cocok banget teh karena proses menjadi tidak cocok, bukan tiba2 tidak cocok, kalau dari awal tidak cocok tidak mungkin mereka mau maju ke pernikahan..

    masalahnya, kenapa mereka menjalankan proses "ketidak cocokan"? :roll:

  4. mana tau Wil? problem sih selalu ada kan... mungkin waktu pacaran dan menikah mereka ngerasa cocok, tapi ternyata muncul problem yang sedemikian besar yang membuat jurang perbedaan yang juga besar banget. Trus gimana? :-)


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